Of iPhones and Voting
This past weekend, I finally bought an iPhone. I say "finally," because I feel a bit like I've arrived late to a party in full swing – it seems that lots of people have been partying with their smart phones for forever, while I'm just now coming to the scene. Luckily, the festivities aren't ending any time soon. Thus far, I'm still getting to know how things work. But I have managed to do two things: set up my email (with the help of a step-by-step YouTube video - thank you, Aaron!) and download the two MarketingProfs mobile applications from the iPhone store. (In fact, I was one of 4,500 people to download our applications last week!) The first application allows you to breeze through our site's popular Get to the Po!nt series of marketing newsletters, which are tiny but powerful mini articles of actionable marketing tips. Current topics include B2B Marketing, Buyer Insight, Email Marketing, Marketing Inspiration, New Media and Small Business. (More coming soon.) The second application (newly launched a week or so ago) allows you to read, search, bookmark, email and easily scroll through thousands of marketing questions and answers from the popular marketing forum at MarketingProfs, the Know-How Exchange. Member of MarketingProfs (like you) can also ask a question. More information on the applications – both of which are free - is here. So iPhone users: Browse around, and enjoy! And by the way, the little bird on the top of this newsletter has a message for you: Don't forget to VOTE today! p.s. Are you on Twitter? Follow MarketingProfs there.