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Mack Collier Five Real-World Ways Businesses Are Marketing to Their Communities It's every company's dream, having a community of customers that are so devoted to your company, that they will market and evangelize you to other members of their community. Customers that feel a sense of ownership in your company, and that want to spread your message to others. Such strong bonds between companies and their communities of customers aren't the norm, and cannot be developed without great planning and dedication. But for companies that are willing to embrace and empower their communities, the results can be magical. Here are five companies that have embraced their community of customers as their marketing partners. Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
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What's the Best Way to Grow Your Email List?
Each year marketers lose up to a quarter of their email house list addresses to churn. Despite these losses, many succeed at actually increasing the size of their lists. How are they managing to add more recipients than they lose? Get Silverpop's new list growth study to find out.
Roy Young The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—Number 1: Merely Handing Off Leads to Sales Do members of your company's executive team—along with your peers throughout the organization—see the connection between marketing and the cash flowing into your company's coffers? If not, they probably view you as merely a tactical tool (brochure writer, a trade-show participant, Web site "put-it-upper"), not a true strategic partner. And they likely underutilize marketing. To deliver maximum value for your firm, you'll need to correct their misperceptions of marketing's value. How? Avoid the 10 biggest mistakes marketers make. Get the full story. |

John Moore Strong Brands Always Have More Brand Credits Than Debits: A Starbucks Lesson The Starbucks Coffee marketing research department is kept busy providing oodles and oodles of insights into the Starbucks brand through yearly brand audits. And take it from this former long-time Starbucks marketer, the company learns a lot from these studies. However, when it comes to measuring and managing the Starbucks brand on a daily basis, the Starbucks marketing department generally relies on a much simpler method—a brand checkbook. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers 101 Ways to Brew Up Inspiration Scott Baradell offers up 101 ways to brew up a great idea. It's a good read if you feel stuck or in need of a simple shot in the arm. And, by the way, Scott "stole" these from a promotional mug he received seven years ago—evidence that the right kinds of marketing tchotchkes really do have staying power! Scott writes, "Hope you find it as inspiring as I have—again and again—on sleepy-eyed mornings." 1. Take a warm bath. 2. Go for a drive with the windows open. 3. Order Chinese food and eat it with chopsticks. 4. Call a random phone number — ask a stranger. 5. Ask a child. 6. Create an idea that would get you fired. 7. Paint your bedroom. 8. Consult tarot cards. 9. Gargle. 10. Play football. 11. Sing a show tune on a crowded elevator. 12. How would your favorite uncle solve the problem? 13. Doodle. 14. Do a crossword puzzle. 15. Pray for a little help. 16. Ask the most creative person you know. 17. Ask the least creative person you know. 18. Run. 19. Ask your local postal worker. 20. Ice skate. 21. Take a shower with your clothes on. 22. Ask yourself, "What rhymes with orange?" 23. Talk to your favorite cheerleader about the idea. 24. Breathe slowly. 25. Flip a coin. 26. Mow the lawn. 27. What is the simplest solution? 28. Do 20 quick push-ups. 29. Go shopping! 30. Write the alphabet backwards…. Read the rest of the list on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog. What else might you add? Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs P.S.: This Thursday, the King of Marketing ROI, Jim Lenskold, delivers a no-holds-barred virtual seminar for MarketingProfs: Using Marketing ROI Analytics to Keep Your Most Profitable Customers. Jim shows you how to take the guesswork out of marketing and tie marketing's contributions to the bottom line of business. Check it out.
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Eric Gruber How to Promote Your Book to the Top of the NY Times Best Sellers List Although Mark Hyman, M.D, the New York Times best selling author and practicing physician, had a strong, multi-faceted marketing and sales plan in place, the addition of an article-marketing strategy helped in his bid to push his book to the no. 2 spot of the NY Times best seller list. Dr. Hyman's article-marketing campaign was only one piece of the puzzle, but an important piece that helped him establish key relationships with site publishers that will result in increased, targeted traffic and stronger sales for many months and years to come. By including a targeted article marketing program into your marketing and sales plan, you can also achieve book-marketing success. Get the full story. |

William Arruda The 10 Cs of Branding Whether you are working on a personal branding campaign or you're focused on differentiating your company's brand from its competitors, you need to constantly ask yourself if your brand is demonstrating the 10 Cs of branding. Get the full story. |

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Lisa Johnson and Cheri Hanson Satisfying the 10 Cravings of a New Generation of Consumers (Part 2 of 2) Some of the most recent cultural touch points—groups riding the underground buzz on YouTube; MySpace selling music from indie bands; and the skinny jeans fashion trend—show a new market code at work. The young, tech-savvy members of a new generation of consumers are rewriting the rules and changing how everyone will do business. In fact, there are 10 cravings that are driving this renegade new group. Part one explored the first five cravings. Here is the last five, as well as two critical principles to understand about the so-called Connected Generation. Get the full story. |

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll Marketing Challenge: Three Ways to Score With Downloadable Products This week: Many businesses have succeeded in selling products online in the form of e-books, e-reports and other downloadable content. Of course, it's not as simple as posting the product on your Web site and hoping buyers will come. The challenge comes in getting potential customers to your site in the first place. Get the full story. |
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