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Pat LaPointe The Most Effective Metrics for a Marketing Dashboard (in Some Not-so-Obvious Forms) Which marketing metrics should you be consistently watching and tracking? What metrics are the most meaningful to you and your company? The truth is that the marketing dashboard can be anything you want it to be, as long as it shows the forward-looking information that benefits you most. In fact, the marketing dashboard should not be an off-the-shelf model. Instead, it should be tailored to meet the specific goals, objectives and strategies of your company, its structure and its unique culture. Here's a review of dashboard metrics, both common and not-so-obvious, plus some guidance on how to extend our examples to your world to see if a given metric would provide insight to you. Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
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| How to Connect Your Brand to Other Brands to Win Customers Partnership programs are an efficient way to create joint sales and distribution opportunities, broad in-store merchandising and strong value for the consumer. Gregory Pollack will show you how to make alliances work for you on Jan. 12 at noon Eastern. Read about this 90-minute virtual seminar. |
Jonathan Kranz Five Surefire Content Ideas (When Your Blog Is Drawing Blanks) So you've created a Web log to communicate more intimately and more frequently with your audience. It's supposed to be easy. After all, the technology is simple, the style casual and the content brief. But after the initial wave of enthusiasm, you may find it increasingly difficult to generate ideas for the blog that began with so many thoughts—and so many posts—just a few months ago. Worse, you might be guiding a boss or colleague who may not be a fluent writer, but is the appropriate representative whose voice must be present in the blogosphere. How do you help that person refresh the well of inspiration when she's run out of ideas to draw upon? Tape the following list of ideas, prompts and suggestions over her monitor. Get the full story. |

Ruth P. Stevens Three Ways to Develop a Business-Event Marketing Strategy Business events are at their most powerful when they are part of an integrated go-to-market strategy. Integration sounds logical, but how do you actually pull it off? First, you have to have control—or at least influence—over all the elements of the marketing mix. Then, you must develop a sound strategic approach to business event planning. Follow one of these three strategies. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers Happy 5th Birthday! Greetings, discerning readers! Happy New Year... and Happy Birthday to MarketingProfs. The new year marks our sixth publishing a Web site dedicated to providing an education in and information about all aspects of marketing. From its humble beginnings on the desktop of Publisher Allen Weiss, the site has grown to include more-comprehensive content as well as a whole bunch of products and services—from the Know-How Exchange, to our buyer's guides, to virtual seminars, to a testing laboratory. It has evolved into much more than a publication—it has become a place where marketers discover, connect and succeed. In the past year alone MarketingProfs reached several milestones: - The weekly newsletter reached 180,000 subscribers.
- We published our 1,500th article.
- The Know-How Exchange hit the 10,000 mark—in the number of questions posted (and answered!).
As the direct marketers say: But wait... there’s more! More to come in 2006, that is, as we continue to expand the mission of the site to serve you—the MarketingProfs community of more than 180,000 marketers. Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs PS: Our Holiday Sale ends this Friday, so Basic members have only a few more days to upgrade to Premium or Premium-Plus membership at a 20% discount. Check out the details here.
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Cynthia Coldren The Only Marketing Resolution You Need for 2006 Get ready—'tis the season for resolutions. But instead of a boring list of all-purpose to-dos, here's a single goal that can make a big impact: We will identify our most profitable customers (the top 20%) and create a strategy to increase business with them by 20% before year's end. Let's call it "the 20/20 strategy." It can capture the attention of your entire organization to drive profitability in 2006. Read on to find out why it's so powerful, and how you can implement it successfully. Get the full story. |

Terri Whitesel The Power of Community Webster defines "community" as a group of people living together as a smaller social unit within a larger one. Communities provide a convenient way to look at slices of your market. However, they are not the same as market segments; rather, they are groups of people linked by a common thread, a common experience or a common vision that may have nothing to do with your product or service at all, but can have everything to do with building your business. Get the full story. |

| How to Get a Bigger Bang out of Trade Shows U.S. businesses spend about 18 percent of their marketing budgets on trade shows. Most companies have no idea what value they are getting for that investment. This seminar by Ruth Stevens on Jan. 19 will show you how to get the most out of trade show marketing. Read about this 90-minute virtual seminar. |
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Rick Nobles Congratulations—Someone Hates Your Brand! Did you get a letter from someone who was offended by your latest TV spot? Did someone send you an email saying you suck? Do you have a group of angry folks boycotting your brand? You should be smiling. Having someone hate you lets you know you're doing a good job of branding. We all know our goal should be to evoke an emotional reaction in the consumer. But many marketers get so hung up on trying to evoke positive reactions that they pander to every possible audience that has a checkbook. When you put a stake in the ground and say "this is who I am," you are also saying "this is who I'm not." Get the full story. |

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll Marketing Challenge: Email Ethics At a networking event, you exchange business cards with another person. The business card includes an email address. No doubt, it's okay to contact the person by email. But what about including that name in bulk emails? Is that okay... or not? This week's reader collected emails but doesn't have permission to send emails to the prospects. What can he do? Get the full story. |
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