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Michael L. Perla Book Summary: Return on Customer by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers (Part 2 of 2) Here's the final installment of our first book summary, a new regular feature. "Return on Customer" coauthors Don Peppers and Martha Rogers typically write about one-to-one marketing and customer-centric behavior. This book, their seventh, is no exception. The central thesis of the book is that a company's Return on Customer is a mix of current period cash flows and the long-term equity of its oscillating pool of customers. The long-term customer equity is a function of lifetime customer values, which is a function of how long customers are retained, how much and how often they buy, and the cost of acquiring and serving them, among other things. In writing about the significance of customers, Peppers and Rogers write that "Without customers, you don't have a business. You have a hobby." Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
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2006 Trends + Video iPod NEW FOR 2006! Precision email solutions company, ExactTarget, works with over 3,000 companies including Home Depot, Honeywell, and Scotts. They’re offering a brand new whitepaper, "10 Email Trends For 2006", including insight on relevance, frequency, design and more. If that isn’t enough, ExactTarget offers a Referral Program with a drawings for Video iPods! |
Jill Griffin What Your Worst Customers Teach You About Loyalty Customers—even bad ones—are our best loyalty teachers. In fact, the lessons gleaned from "problem" customers are often rich and long-lasting. Consider the following less-than-ideal customer types and some of the loyalty-making insights they provide. You might recognize some of these individuals! Get the full story. |

Barry Silverstein Senior Management: The Secret Weapon in Getting Your Brand Noticed One of the toughest challenges you face as a brand marketer is, very simply, getting your brand noticed. You have to worry about not just your direct competitors but all of the other brands fighting for a customer's attention. Just breaking through and being heard in this over-communicated, noisy marketing environment is a victory. So you need all the help you can get. And one place you might want to look for it is at the top of your organization. More and more, senior management plays a crucial role in the success of a brand that breaks away from the pack. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers Book Help, Blog Talk & MarketingPals
Greetings, faithful readers. First, a favor. MarketingProfs Publisher Allen Weiss and Director of Strategy and Development Roy Young are coauthoring a book, Marketing Champions, to be published by John Wiley this summer. As part of their research, Allen and Roy are looking to survey marketing types on several key issues, among them how marketing is viewed in your organization, how it contributes to the day-to-day operations of your business and how influential it is. They are particularly interested in polling individuals at medium to large-sized businesses with marketing departments of two or more people. If you are interested in being part of the research for Marketing Champions, please take the survey. (By the way, Roy says respondents will be able to see the survey results and use the findings for themselves.) Second, there's an interesting seminar coming up this Thursday that's a bit of a departure from our usual format. As the first in our new "What Works" series, Six Apart VP Anil Dash, QuickBooks GM Paul Rosenfeld and entrepreneur DL Byron talk turkey on blogs. You'll hear what works from a marketing perspective, what doesn't, and (most importantly) where to start and how to keep a blog going. Get more information or sign up. And finally, the MarketingProfs gang had a great time whooping it up in Santa Barbara, California last week. We spent a few days at the quaint and charming Upham Hotel, strategizing and plotting our next few steps toward the domination of marketing trade publishing. MarketingProfs is a unique organization. Hailing from all over North America, the 12 of us (or so) see each other face to face only a few times a year. But the camaraderie and community we share couldn't be more palpable even if worked side-by-side in an office. Here's a shot of us at dinner during our last night together. Can't you feel the love? (Top row L-R: Roy Young, Kim Sterling-Klor, Jim Kelly, Allen Weiss, Sharon Hudson. (Bottom row, L-R: Carrie Shearer, Val Frazee, Shelley Ryan, me, Achim Klor.) Thanks for stopping by! As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged—I even pay cash for it! (Just kidding about that last bit.) Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs
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Leigh Duncan User Experience: Part of a Much Larger Whole Too many consultancies and agencies equate Customer Experience Management (CEM) with User Experience. They are not the same. User Experience is an important part of CEM. But like Experiential Marketing, it's a part of a much larger whole. Get the full story. |

Jason OConnor Google 2006 and Jagger's Aftermath Sometime last fall, Google launched a major update to its search algorithm, shaking up the search engine optimization community—and millions of Web site rankings. The update has been named Jagger and is apparently complete. The keywords that people used to find your site with in Google may not be producing as many visits any more, because the Jagger changes caused your rankings to plummet. If your site's rankings have decreased, what can be done to get back to where you were or better in the post-Jagger Google world? Get the full story. |
Lorna Lowery Berry The Only Four-Letter Word You Want in a Business Vocabulary: Test Testing is the backbone of any solid direct response campaign and business. Whether your business is mature or still in the launch phase, testing is necessary to keep your approach fresh and your product valuable to your customers—and profitable to your company. Whether you're testing new audience lists, media channel, offer, copy, premiums offers, headlines, or whatever...a solid testing plan must be an integral part of your business. Get the full story. |

M.L. Hartman and Matthew W. Staudt Three Key Ingredients to Effective Direct Mail If ever a winner-take-all match took place among the marketing heavyweights—direct mail, telemarketing, and the Web—our money would be on direct mail, without doubt. Simply put, the best pound-for-pound method for targeting a large audience and gathering data is direct mail. Armed with the right data, message, and creative, direct mail can be a lean, mean, marketing power puncher that can hit your target like a ton of bricks and deliver a substantial return on investment. But to be effective, direct mail requires the careful combination of three key ingredients. Get the full story. |
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Roy Young
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Val Frazee
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