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Michael L. Perla Book Summary: Return on Customer by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers (Part 1) This week, MarketingProfs introduces its first book summary, a new regular feature. "Return on Customer" coauthors Don Peppers and Martha Rogers typically write about one-to-one marketing and customer-centric behavior. This book, their seventh, is no exception. The central thesis of the book is that a company's Return on Customer is a mix of current period cash flows and the long-term equity of its oscillating pool of customers. The long-term customer equity is a function of lifetime customer values, which is a function of how long customers are retained, how much and how often they buy, and the cost of acquiring and serving them, among other things. In writing about the significance of customers, Peppers and Rogers write that "Without customers, you don't have a business. You have a hobby." Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
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2006 Trends + Video iPod NEW FOR 2006! Precision email solutions company, ExactTarget, works with over 3,000 companies including Home Depot, Honeywell, and Scotts. They’re offering a brand new whitepaper, "10 EMAIL TRENDS FOR 2006", including insight on relevance, frequency, design and more. If that isn’t enough, ExactTarget offers a REFERRAL PROGRAM with a drawings for Video iPods! |
Daniel Jung Can B2B Newsletters Survive the Preview Pane? It's been long known that preview pane and the blocked-images feature in email clients are problematic for business-to-business marketers. The majority of B2B readers are using both the preview pane and the default blocked-images functions to decide whether to open emails and block unwanted downloads. Companies that do not take steps to address these findings with their email design and format will be doing a disservice to their subscribers. Get the full story. |

Leigh Duncan What's the Difference Between Customer Experience Management and Experiential Marketing? Many people equate Customer Experience Management with Experiential Marketing. But in recent years, "experiential marketing" has become perceptually aligned with "marketing execution". This is because it largely focuses on developing highly visible, stimulating, interactive, and sensory-engaging environments in which products and services are showcased. Accordingly, experiential marketing is an important component of CEM, but it isn't the whole enchilada. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers New! Book Summaries Greetings, discerning readers! One of my favorite places to hang out is bookstores. Whether it’s Amazon.com or my local independent bookseller, I love wandering the aisles and reading recent recommended titles. Who doesn’t love that, right? But now matter how pleasurable the experience, somehow I always come away with the same unsettling feeling: so many books, so little time. Not so fast – there’s balm for your pain. This week, we introduce book summaries, a new monthly feature for Premium members. In the words of Premium Director Roy Young, there are a whole lot of book summary services available, but none of them digest books that specifically are geared toward marketers. None of them will help you do your job better, or offer up the broader perspective you need. First up is Return on Customer by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, summarized by our own Michael Perla. Michael’s write-up, the first of two parts, is a book summary, by the way – NOT simply a book review. In other words, it’s not Michael’s opinion of the book, it’s an actual digest of the contents of the book itself – its lessons, ideas, take-aways, and wisdom. So read the first of Michael’s summary, and let me know what you think. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs p.s. As I write this, I’m in Santa Barbara, California, with the rest of the MarketingProfs team on one of our regular staff junkets. As always, we are spending a lot of time talking about how to improve the site experience for all of you, our most valuable asset. If you have ideas you’d like to share on that issue, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I’d love to share your thoughts with the group while I'm here.
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Michael Ortner Eight Ways to Improve your Online Lead Tracking Do your salespeople still ask, "How did you hear about us?" when a prospect calls? Do you list your contact information on your homepage? Do you display the same 800 number for all of your Web site visitors? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes," then buckle up. You are costing your business money by not using all of the available tools to monitor and improve your online advertising campaigns. Following thesr eight guidelines will help you to make better choices about which campaigns you should expand and which ones you should eliminate. Get the full story. |

Andy Sernovitz Word of Mouth Marketing in Five Easy Steps Word of mouth marketing is an umbrella term for dozens of techniques that can be used to engage customers. Word of mouth includes viral marketing, blogs, communities, loyalty programs, and other techniques that get customers talking about your products. In many cases, WOM isn't actually "marketing" at all. It's great customer service that earns customer respect. There are five basic steps that all word of mouth marketing campaigns share. Get the full story. |
Barry Silverstein A Few Brand Campaigns Are Forever (Well, Almost) Keeping a campaign fresh and vibrant—and maintaining its breakaway status—is a major challenge. The competitive landscape is turbulent and consumer perceptions are constantly shifting. It takes courage and perseverance to sustain a breakaway campaign over decades. Get the full story. |

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll Marketing Challenge: When It's Best NOT to Blog Blogging is ubiquitous. Marketing experts, the media and the influx of books on business blogging give the impression that we should all do it, or be thinking about doing it. But should all businesses blog? Is it always a wise use of resources and an asset to an organization? Get the full story. |
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