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Michael Fischler How to Create a Focused House List (Part 2) In the first part of this series, we looked at the general approach to locating, converting and completing a quality house direct mail list. Here, the author shows you the specific steps for handling a simple list. The goal of today's exercise is to take an online directory of nearly 2000 contacts located two levels beneath a home page, and turn it into a database. Our purpose will be to create a well-targeted mailing list in Access format with 2,000 names in under 20 minutes—starting from scratch. Intrigued? Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.
Chris Maher Dear Marketing: An Open Letter from Your Customer This is an open letter to major advertisers and marketers from one of your own ranks who is also (like us all) a consumer. The author is unhappy, worn out, and ill-tempered. When you think of him from this point forward, he says, hear the words "diminishing returns." Get the full story.

Gerry McGovern Prove the Value of Your Content with Numbers Content management has been a fuzzy, poorly respected discipline within many organizations. Its related discipline, communications, is often seen as peripheral and non-strategic. But the truth is, there are quantifiable benefits that a quality public Web site or intranet can deliver. Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers Quantifying Marketing Content Greetings, discerning readers. We have lots of great stuff on tap this week. Michael Fischler continues his conversation about building a house list for your direct mail efforts, with a detailed tutorial on the mechanics of creating a list. How detailed is it? Well, I had to talk our copyeditor down from a high ledge—it drove him that nuts. Also this week, our pal Gerry McGovern contributes a must-read for any of us charged with the art of content creation. Content management has been a fuzzy, poorly respected discipline within many organizations, Gerry writes. And its related discipline, communications, is often seen as peripheral and nonstrategic. The challenge for communication professionals is to speak in numbers—the language of the CEO—and quantify the benefits of good content. To that end, tune in next week to the MarketingProfs virtual seminar, the aptly named "CFO vs. CMO Smackdown: How to Win the Budget Battles." Seminar leader Guy Powell asks, "Why is it easy to speak the language of your external customers, but when you speak to your CFO and CEO, you don't even think of using their lingo?" Powell's 90-minute seminar will teach you how to monetize your conversation with the CFO and CEO so that you can prove your case, win and expand your budgets, and deliver real business impact. Get more information or sign up here. Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged! Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs.com
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Stephanie Janard Steps to Writing Sales Literature That Sells Despite this age of information overload, buyers still need information to help them make the right choices. By incorporating some of these tips, you and your marketing staff can produce pieces that will stand out from your competition's—and guide the buyer to the close of the sale. Get the full story.

Sean D'Souza Creating the Accidental Evangelist You've probably already had dozens of reasons and seasons to create the accidental evangelist. And yes, you can play Santa in July, if only you'd listen. Here's how to recognize those "accidental" opportunities. Get the full story.
Steve McNamara How to Talk to Creative People About Branding It helps to define what "branding" is. Start here: A brand is like a person. And like a person, brands have relationships, and these relationships evolve, for better or worse, over time, and need to be constantly nurtured. Get the full story. |

Bob Serling Opportunity Gaps: Do You Know What to Look for? Have you ever wondered why a competitor whose product isn't as good as yours always seems to outsell you? It's because either deliberately or by accident, they've discovered an opportunity gap that gives them a powerful competitive advantage. You could easily make up this lost ground by finding your own opportunity gaps that would allow you to capture far greater market share. Get the full story. |
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