Since it's a billion degrees outside here in New England, it’s officially time to relax and lighten up a bit.
To that end, put in your order for How to Negotiate Like a Child by Bill Adler Jr. (AMACOM, 2005). Subtitled "Unleash the Little Monster Within to Get Everything You Want," the book explains how a four-year-old's techniques can best a high-powered negotiator in seconds flat.
It's a tongue-in-cheek but eminently practical handbook to get you what you want, using the time-tested techniques children have practiced for years: manipulating, cajoling, arguing, sweet-talking, whining, conning and (when all else fails) throwing a tantrum.
The publisher writes, "Showing how to easily implement these simple strategies in situations of all kinds—from negotiating a million-dollar business deal to getting a seat on an airplane—this amusing little book helps readers get whatever they want." (My favorite chapter: "Take Your Ball and Go Home.")
Also this week, be sure to check out the Premium piece, in which Noel Franus offers up simple but highly effective strategies for improving your customer's experience. It's a must-read for any organization that serves any sort of clientele.
Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.
Until next week,
Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer