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Vol. 4 , No. 26     June 28, 2005


In this Newsletter:

  1. Building the Better Guest Experience
  2. Putting Spring in Your Ka-ching: 10 Direct Mail Tips
  3. Targeting People of Caribbean Heritage: 4 Common Errors
  4. New Email Marketing Rules in the European Union: One Year Later
  5. The Evolution of the Press Release
  6. Are White Papers Just for Technical Marketers?
  7. Knowledge Management: There's No Such Thing as a Knowledge Worker


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Premium Content

Noel Franus
Building the Better Guest Experience

This is a tale about differentiation in a highly commoditized market. It's a story about brand building, and the bounty that comes to those who do it well.

The ideas described here leverage an opportunity that's woefully untapped, and apply to any type of customer experience or interaction. If you're responsible for your customers' happiness, chances are you have an opportunity to create your own best-imaginable, rich experiences that need not cost an arm and a leg. The truth is that small changes can create a big shift in customer loyalty.

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.

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Is Your Email Relevant?

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Steve McNamara
Putting Spring in Your Ka-ching: 10 Direct Mail Tips

Every year Steve conducts a survey of his subscribers to identify ways that marketers are squeezing more sales out of their direct marketing.

Here are some learnings from this year's report. The 10 tips offer new inspiration for direct mail campaigns.

Get the full story.

Xavier Murphy
Targeting People of Caribbean Heritage: 4 Common Errors

People of Caribbean heritage remain a large and diverse market. Marketers who ignore them are missing on the opportunities to showcase their products and services to a fast-growing segment with significant buying power.

Unfortunately, some of the marketing campaigns of companies who are marketing to people of Caribbean heritage are ineffective. Here's why.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Creating a Monster

Since it's a billion degrees outside here in New England, it’s officially time to relax and lighten up a bit.

To that end, put in your order for How to Negotiate Like a Child by Bill Adler Jr. (AMACOM, 2005). Subtitled "Unleash the Little Monster Within to Get Everything You Want," the book explains how a four-year-old's techniques can best a high-powered negotiator in seconds flat.

It's a tongue-in-cheek but eminently practical handbook to get you what you want, using the time-tested techniques children have practiced for years: manipulating, cajoling, arguing, sweet-talking, whining, conning and (when all else fails) throwing a tantrum.

The publisher writes, "Showing how to easily implement these simple strategies in situations of all kinds—from negotiating a million-dollar business deal to getting a seat on an airplane—this amusing little book helps readers get whatever they want." (My favorite chapter: "Take Your Ball and Go Home.")

Also this week, be sure to check out the Premium piece, in which Noel Franus offers up simple but highly effective strategies for improving your customer's experience. It's a must-read for any organization that serves any sort of clientele.

Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. The Nonprofit Business and Marketing Plan—Part 2: A Guide for Marketing
  2. The Press Release is Dead (Will Somebody Please Tell the Clients?)
  3. The Worst Thing About Best Practices
  4. Marketing Challenge: 7 Ways to Super Content
  5. Humor in PR: Can You Hear Me Now?
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Recent Know-How Exchange Questions/Answers

  1. Consumer Insight
  2. Should I Send Out a Completed Marketing Piece?
  3. Is the Market Trend Positive For Cut Vegetables
  4. Modern Granite & Marble
  5. Success Metrics For Events/promotions



Mattias Durnik
New Email Marketing Rules in the European Union: One Year Later

Last April, the last European Union member states implemented Article 13 of the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications -- the "Spam Directive."

The first paragraph of Article 13 states that sending commercial email messages is only allowed if recipients have given their prior consent.

So what's the state of email marketing in the EU a year later?

Get the full story.

Harry Hoover
The Evolution of the Press Release

Mark Twain once said the rumors of his death had been greatly exaggerated. The same may be said for the press release.

It's not dead—but its mission has evolved.

Get the full story.


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Barbara Bix and Melissa Josephson Edwards
Are White Papers Just for Technical Marketers?

If your company sells complex products or services, you may want to take a page from the high-tech marketers' book.

Continue to use conventional collateral to differentiate your solution and demonstrate value. Then, see if you can create independent demand for your unique methodology or business processes. Like with white papers, for example.

Get the full story.

Gerry McGovern
Knowledge Management: There's No Such Thing as a Knowledge Worker

These days, knowledge management is less about managing people and more about giving them the right goals, the right motivation and the right tools, and clearly articulating how success or failure will be measured.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

Ad/Sponsor Information:
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