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Elaine Fogel The Nonprofit Business and Marketing Plan--Part 1: Your Road Map In the nonprofit sector, many organizations operate without a strategy or written annual plan. Even some small-to-midsize businesses have avoided the task of developing written plans, focusing instead on generating revenue and simply staying alive in their markets. But going through this exercise is an important step in developing a business paradigm to operating nonprofit organizations. With increased opportunities to expand corporate philanthropy, and the need to show greater accountability to stakeholders, the outcome will help identify the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks. Being proactive in this approach is not only strategic, it is imperative in today's growing nonprofit sector. Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
Paul Epstein The Most Effective Approaches to Marketing to Hispanics Marketers who choose not to devote significant time and effort to the Hispanic population are missing out on a vital consumer segment that is growing faster than any other minority group in the United States. In fact, businesses should consider implementing new approaches and strategies to target Hispanics. Perhaps the most effective way to reach this evolving market is through the Internet. Get the full story.

Peter Majarich Pay Per Click 101: Google AdWords Most people's concept of advertising is limited to the (sometimes woeful) ads they see on TV, or the billboards they drive past. Seeing these, they automatically assume that effective advertising is out of their reach. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Pound for pound, Google AdWords offers everyone, from mom and pop cotttage industries to multinational juggernauts, the most effective advertising medium yet devised. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers A MarketingProfs Woodstock Greetings, discerning readers! Welcome to this week's issue. Before you delve into this week's content—which is (as we say in New England) wicked interesting and diverse—I have some news: MarketingProfs is now loved by over 150,000 members! How cool is that? There are more than 150,000 of you (as of last weekend, there were 155,709, to be precise) who receive this weekly newsletter and therefore count yourselves among the most educated and informed marketers worldwide. Bear in mind, by the way, that the number actually reflects 150,000+ unique members—because MarketingProfs maintains only a master list (no duplicate lists) of names/addresses. Thank you to all of you who with your keen insights and suggestions have made MarketingProfs a must-read. A big thanks to all the writers, too—we wouldn't be here without you. Finally, by the time you receive this, the first-ever MarketingProfs Live event, with content boss Gerry McGovern, will be winding down in New York, before it heads West for Chicago and San Francisco. For those of you who haven't yet heard, the MProfs event is a two-day content-fest—a sort of Woodstock for those types who want to know how to produce the best content for their Web sites. It's not a writing seminar—it’s an intensive two-day program filled with lots of specifics on developing content that will help your business grow. If you can't be there, lucky for you that Event Helmsman Shelley Ryan has set up a blog for the three-city tour so you can get a feel for what's happening this week and next. Be sure to check it out. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs.com
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Tori Egherman The Hashemi Brand in Iran's Elections The elections in Iran are in full force, with only a few days left until the Friday ballot. Iranian television is filled with interviews with the candidates, sound bytes and advertisements about the vote. Movies are interrupted every few minutes by voting reminder messages. Candidates' Web sites tout the politicians' credentials and attributes, while blogs debate who is genuinely democratic-minded--or, conversely, true to the tenets of the Islamic Revolution. This year, there are six candidates. And one of the candidates, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has done more than the others to market his particular presidential "brand." Get the full story. |

Christopher Doran Five Ways Technology Can Boost Profitability The good news is that the technology that allows you to market via the Internet is far from reaching its full potential. Much of the early energy in online marketing was spent finding ways to distribute marketing messages in new ways. Now, much of the online marketing energy is spent collecting information about prospective customers--literally mining information that will help you fine-tune your marketing efforts and generate a maximum return on investment. Here are five new uses of technology that will help you get the most out of your existing online marketing programs. Get the full story.
Sean D'Souza The Powers of Connectors in Copywriting This article is a Five-Minute Communication Test: Do you have connectors? In precisely five minutes, you can find out for yourself if your copy on your Web site/brochure/sales letter etc., will be read by your customer from start to finish. It's a simple, yet extremely powerful test. Get the full story.

Promise Phelon Develop the Mind of a Customer Strategist Speak any language long enough, and you'll become fluent; take on the mindset of a strategist and you'll start to see things through a strategist's eyes. And others will notice the change in you--you'll find yourself more and more being called on to act as counsel on all matters customer. Get the full story.
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