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Debbie MacInnis Attention Basics: How to Get Your Messages to Stand Out (Part 1 of 2) People won't develop an image of your brand or company—never mind consider buying your product or service (even once)—unless you can first attract their attention. Consumers are exposed to several thousand ads and many Web sites each day. But with this increasing exposure comes greater likelihood that they won't pay much attention to any of them. Consider a recent statistic that says that only 1% of people can recall 12 ads associated with a company. That abysmal statistic is particularly shocking in light of the billions of dollars spent each year on advertising. So what can you do about it? Get the full story. Please note: This article is available only to paid subscribers. Get more information or sign up here.
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CONSUMER MARKETING STRATEGY June 26-30, 2005 Harvard Business School Executive Education, Boston, MA U.S.
Executives go beyond conventional marketing approaches to figure out innovative ways to overcome all the noise, garner attention, and attract buyers. Learn what it takes to design, position, and deliver consumer offerings that are fresher, more exciting, more creative, and more value-laden than those of the competition.
Please visit here for more information. |
Susan Solomon Whose Blog Is It Anyway? There are many approaches a company can take to blogging, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses. A blog written by top management, for example, has the potential of providing news straight from the decision makers. But the downside is that CEOs and senior executives are also wary of stockholders' perceptions and don't provide the bare honesty expected of a decent blog. A blog written by those at the lower rungs of the organization also has its strengths and perils. Here are blogging tips for bloggers at every level within a company, from the top down. Get the full story. |

Tom Kuegler Keyword Advertising Breadth: Are You Missing Opportunities? Recently, search engine revenues have rocketed, with pay-per-click advertising providing much of the fuel for growth. The other side of the coin: advertisers have been using PPC keyword advertising to meet their marketing objectives. But even with such heightened competition, there may be untapped, hidden opportunities for online marketers interested in participating in keyword advertising. One of the greatest opportunities may be in the area of something known as keyword breadth. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers Summit to Think About Greetings, discerning readers. Yesterday, I participated in the third MarketingProfs Thought Leaders Summit, and... well, WOW. My role in the summit was limited—in fact, I was there only to introduce moderator Stephan Spencer. But I found myself hanging around to listen to the discussion, completely awed by the panelists' level of knowledge. The concept behind our Thought Leaders Summit is this: several such leaders (in this case, seven of them) gather virtually to discuss an issue in roundtable format. Yesterday, leaders from organizations like Forrester and DoubleClick, along with those with names familiar to the MarketingProfs audience (Jim Sterne, Rok Hrastnik and Neil Squillante) debated the current and future state of email marketing. Over the course of 100 minutes, the panelists gave their thoughtful responses to questions like these: Is email marketing as we know it doomed? What are email marketing's biggest obstacles? How do legitimate marketers get past spam filters? And will RSS replace email as a marketing channel? I had no idea what to expect from the Thought Leaders Summit. But these panelists knew their stuff, and their discussion was rich. The interesting, informative and lively roundtable was made even more so by the varying backgrounds and locales of the panelists, ranging from throughout the US to Slovenia and New Zealand. The transcript will be available in our Premium library soon. But, until then, be sure to check out the article inspired by the first Thought Leaders Summit, which was on search engine optimization. Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley Chief Content Officer ann@marketingprofs.com
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Robin Stavisky Tale of the Lowly Pressroom: The Transformation of Communications Hidden away like some Cinderella before the prince discovered her, online pressrooms do not often attract much attention, much less a second look. But like the fairy tale character, online media rooms can offer a striking example of the power of Internet to transform a humble servant into an essential information hub. Indeed, the ability to harness the power of the Web to market and communicate in new ways is the new competitive advantage—and companies who ignore that fact do so at their own risk. Get the full story.

Peter Cohan Death by Corporate Overview How much of our company's corporate overview presentation should you include in a demo meeting? The answer: as little as possible! Many salespeople and technical staff feel comfortable opening a demonstration meeting with a "brief" overview of their company. Most customers refer to this as "Death by PowerPoint." Instead, start the meeting with a "situation slide." Get the full story.
Grace A. Stoeckle Limited Web Site Budget? Focus on Content Web sites run by small businesses far outnumber the Web sites run by large corporations. This means that most sites are produced and operated on a relatively small budget. Each dollar counts, and must be used carefully. But few small business owners are spending enough time figuring out what constitutes an effective Web site before they pour money into the project. Time and time again, small business Web sites waste their resources on the wrong Web site elements. Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: Webinar Pros and Woes This week, post your answer to the query: How successful are webinars as a marketing approach? What works and what doesn't work? Also this week, read your answers to last week's dilemma: blog, forum or Wiki? Which format best meets the needs of a small community? Get the full story.
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