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Stephan Spencer 12 Thought Leaders Discuss Search Engine Optimization (Part 2 of 2) Search engine optimization is a rapidly changing and exciting arena. In fact, the competition is heating up as companies awaken to a universe of marketing opportunities—providing their customers can find them, that is! Where is SEO heading? What are the trends and new opportunities? And what are the real issues facing the industry? To get some answers, MarketingProfs recently convened a Thought Leaders Summit with some of the best minds in the field of search engine optimization. Here is the second in a two-part series on what our experts had to say about the sticky topics of SEO: What can be done to get rid of search engine spam? What are the ethical issues facing the industry? And how can you ascertain whether an SEO vendor is ethical? We also asked our panelists for their top optimization tactics and discussed the pros and cons of links and other off-page factors. Get the full story. Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |
Fergus Burns Top 5 Reasons to Use RSS From press releases to event announcements and customer memos, syndicating content with RSS offers a way around spam filters and ensures that interested parties receive your company info. Still, PR and marketing professionals are slow to adopt RSS. Many of you may believe it's too difficult or too technical. Perhaps the information you've read about RSS has scared you away. RSS can be an easy, viable way to publish corporate information. Here are five key reasons for adopting RSS as part of your communications strategy. Get the full story.

William Arruda Managing Your Marketing Career, Part 2: Online Visibility To have a successful career in marketing, performing well is no longer enough. You need a solid reputation that extends beyond the walls of your company--and you have to be proactive in building it. One of the best ways to reinforce your reputation is through your online identity. In fact, you should be actively building (and managing) your online presence. Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers Q&A with Our Own Roy Young To most of you, Roy Young is a familiar name. Roy is both a MarketingProfs author and the force behind our Premium content offerings, including Premium articles and our highly successful virtual seminar series. He also has a contract for a brand new book he's authoring with MProfs publisher Allen Weiss. But I'll let him tell you about that. On a personal note, Roy is also a wonderful colleague who is both smart and unassuming. Plus, he always laughs at my jokes. In my book, that's the measure of a true friend. Ann: How did you become a bigwig here at MProfs? Roy: As they say, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." I have a good friend who is a colleague of Allen's at USC. He introduced me to Allen, and I proposed some business development initiatives. Of course, it's also of some significance that I worked for many years in the magazine division of Time Warner, and I understand that all magazines have two sources of revenue: circulation revenue from subscribers and single-copy sales, and advertising. To survive, online publications now need to find alternative sources of revenue. I saw an opportunity for circulation revenue here. Ann: What's your favorite part of the job? Roy: I love producing a first-class executive education program with practical resources that marketers trust to keep them current and effective. Marketers tend to be lifelong learners and the field is always changing, so it's a pleasure to create food for their professional growth. Ann: What would you say is the most compelling reason to be a Premium subscriber? Roy: You simply get the best stuff. And stay tuned! We have great new resources coming. For example, we just finished taping a Thought Leader Summit on Blog for Business. Stephan Spencer moderated a panel with such blog experts as Seth Godin (author of Permission Marketing), Doc Searls (coauthor of The Cluetrain Manifesto) and Robert Scoble (lead blogger at Microsoft). Ann: Much of your work and perspective is about Marketing getting a "seat at the table." Why do you think Marketing doesn't often get the respect it deserves? Roy: Today you hear that the problem is a result of not quantifying the ROI of marketing expenses. That's a factor, but not the complete story. Marketing is the only function in the organization, except for Sales, that is externally focused, so we speak a different language from all others in the executive suite. The burden is on us to translate what we do in terms others can understand, and to represent the customer inside the organization. Ann: You also have a new book contract.
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Roy: Yes. I want to help build marketing heroes. But marketers will not have power, prestige or business impact until they learn how to work inside their organizations effectively. Marketing is that mild and meek department that works hard, and steadily, but is underestimated (or perhaps belittled?) by other departments. Or Marketing is that wild and crazy world—quirky, undisciplined and unaccountable. Unfortunately, most top or general managers are not clear about what marketing can do.The book is coauthored by Allen Weiss and will be published by John Wiley in early 2006. It shows marketers how to meet the needs of internal customers—the CEO, the CFO, the COO, the sales force, R&D—and the organization as a whole.
Ann: Finally, is this (www.royyoung.com) you?
Roy: No, he has a bit more hair than I do.Until next week,
* * *
See you next week!
Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer
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Paul J. Bruemmer Does Search Engine Marketing Increase Profits for B2B Marketers? (Part 1 of 2) It's always been conventional wisdom that the fastest and most efficient way to research products and pricing is on the Web. But is search engine marketing cost-effective enough to increase profits for B2B marketers? You bet, and here's why. Get the full story. |

Jen Drechsler Women's Focus Groups: Eight Traps to Avoid When you are drowning in numbers from your quantitative efforts, talk to women to gain clarity. Remember: women make or influence over 80% of all consumer purchases. So, they are basically your boss. (You listen to your boss, right?) There are eight traps to beware of during qualitative research. If you hear yourself saying any of the following, you should stop for an immediate reality check. Get the full story.

CONSUMER MARKETING STRATEGY June 26-30, 2005 Harvard Business School Executive Education, Boston, MA U.S.
Executives go beyond conventional marketing approaches to figure out innovative ways to overcome all the noise, garner attention, and attract buyers. Learn what it takes to design, position, and deliver consumer offerings that are fresher, more exciting, more creative, and more value-laden than those of the competition.
Please visit here for more information. |
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Martin Heimann Reaching the Hispanic Market Online Hispanics have recently become the largest minority in the US, and a lot of marketers are trying to tap into this growing market. While many businesses now publish their information in Spanish and advertise in Hispanic print media and TV, relatively few are considering the Internet as a medium for reaching Hispanic consumers. The truth is that the Hispanic community is going online in large numbers, and it's happening right now. Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: When Marketing Campaigns Flop This week: Past success don't guarantee future success for products. So what do you do when a marketing effort flops? Join the conversation! Also this week, read your advice on: What works (and what doesn't) when an organization wants to invent a brand? Get the full story. |
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