What color is Mother's Love? Old World Romance? Cambridge Heights? Would you be more or less intrigued by them if they were known by their more common name—yellow? Which color would consumers be more inclined to splash on their kitchen walls—Popcorn Kernel or Apricot Poodle?
These questions are central to this week's Premium article by researchers Elizabeth Miller and Barbara Kahn, "What Color is Fuzzy-Wuzzy Brown? How Color and Flavor Names Affect Consumer Choice."
The authors talk about the proliferation of such ambiguously named products across many categories—from ice cream to nail polish—and how wacky color and flavor names affect consumers. If you've ever wondered whatever happened to good-ol' red, this is a fascinating read!
Also this week, don't miss Thursday's 90-minute virtual seminar on Web metrics led by the always knowledgeable (and often entertaining!) Jim Sterne: "Web Analytics All Over Again: What's Old, New, Tried and True."
Jim's a practical and clear thinker, so you can count on him to deliver when he promises to give you (among other things) today's top 10 Web analytics problems, and teach you such things as how to align the Web function with the business strategy and how to select and implement Web analytics tools. And you'll probably have a good time, to boot.
Get seminar details here or email my colleague Roy Young (roy@marketingprofs.com) for more information.
Thanks for stopping by. As always, don't be shy—tell me what you think. Your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.
Until next week,
Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer