Abigail James
Case Study: PeopleSoft's Crisis Communication Response to the Oracle Takeover Bid (Part 1: Manning Battle Stations) When Oracle attempted a hostile takeover bid of PeopleSoft in the summer of 2003, the firm responded quickly and decisively, using all methods of communication available to them. Its mission was to inform customers and investors of company responses to the takeover attempt. First, PeopleSoft leveraged the personality of its president, making him the spokesperson for company in the media. It also developed a special section on its Web site devoted to the Oracle takeover attempt, which includes actual legal documents, a chronology of events, PDF files of the advertisements and even comments from current customers. By carefully planning its response, presenting messages consistently, and reinforcing its position in multiple media, PeopleSoft’s sustained its reputation as a powerful player in the enterprise software business. Regardless of the outcome of the legal battle, PeopleSoft’s PR response to the crisis was innovative and effective. Get the full story. Please note: This article is available only to paid subscribers.
Guy Smith A Brand Is the Sum of All Touchpoints Your brand, as perceived by the only legitimate judges—your customers—is the sum of all their interactions with your company. Every place a customer can interact with your company is a touchpoint, and that touchpoint affects how you are perceived. A lousy experience with one touchpoint can negate all the brand equity you build in other touchpoints. Get the full story. |

Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba Seven Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Now For any organization, a blog should be part of a long-term customer evangelism strategy. Since blogs are easy to set up, launching one should be at the top of your to-do list. Why? Among dozens of reasons, here are seven. Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers Introducing Case Studies! Greetings, discerning readers!
Welcome to this week's issue. You've told us that Case Studies would be of value…and this week we introduce the first for Premium subscribers. Today, we focus on PeopleSoft and its public response to the hostile Oracle bid. How the company chose to get its messages out clearly and consistently in a time of crisis and chaos makes for good reading, indeed! Check it out. The PeopleSoft Case Study is the first of many Case Studies we'll be publishing here at MarketingProfs. Many of them will appear as Premium pieces, and others will appear in their own special section on the MarketingProfs site. The Case Studies are part of our goal to deliver relevant and compelling content to you, our valued readers. Enjoy! Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com
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Steve Jackson Q&A: Still More Strategies to Improve Your Web Site Conversion Rate (Part 3 of 3) In the first article of this series, we defined conversion. The second article covered measurement. In this final part of this series, we'll be looking at where traffic arrives from and how that affects conversion, specific search engine queries, pay-per-click issues and more.... Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: Effective Customer Retention Programs This week: What kinds of loyalty programs are most effective? Join the conversation! Also this week: Tired of the same ol', same ol'? What marketing methods can a company use to increase exposure and gain market share? Get the full story. |
Robert Hogeboom Back to School: Connecting With College Students Marketing to the college crowd is taking on a new urgency. While businesses from Coca-Cola to Citibank have been successful at creating innovative methods of reaching students directly on college campuses, they are unable to grasp the unique culture of college students—what students value, their attitudes, needs and behaviors. Get the full story.

Jim Warda Kill the Clichés Clichés are grammatical abuse of the worst kind, because they're worthless. Worthless in advertising. Worthless in business memos. Worthless because they carry no weight. And, since they're insubstantial, they can't punch through the skin. Avoid clichés for these eight reasons. Get the full story. |
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