Hello discerning readers!
As usual, we have lots of good stuff going on this week. In addition to the always-excellent (if I do say so myself!) newsletter before you, there's also a virtual seminar this Thursday on customer loyalty, led by our own Jill Griffin.
The Twelve Laws of Customer Loyalty (And What Every Marketing Manager Needs to Know to Leverage Them) kicks off September 23 at noon (EDT). Other than the time you'll spend reading this newsletter, it'll be the best 90 minutes you'll spend all week.
I know that sounds like marketing-speak, but I'm dead serious.
In a survey we conducted after our last virtual seminar, 9 of 10 attendees said they would recommend a MarketingProfs virtual seminar to a colleague or friend. That's because our seminars are full of useful and relevant information, delivered by the most credible and capable individuals we can find. We work very hard to ensure their value—otherwise, we'd be out of business.
If you're job is to cool customer churn, check out Jill's seminar.
Finally, a favor please: As MarketingProfs continues to evolve to meet your needs, we'd love to hear your views. If you haven't taken our subscriber survey, take a few minutes to do so now. Reading your responses will be the best few minutes we spend all week.
You can take the survey here
Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.
Until next week,
Ann Handley