Jim Lenskold and Hugh Macfarlane
The Marketing Profitability Path: Mapping Your Journey (Part 1 of 4) As much as marketing has advanced its scientific approach to measuring and managing effectiveness, it is still much like a cross-country truck route that runs on a combination of superhighways and unpaved terrain. The roadblocks and endless detours on the path to profitability are not the result of subtle errors in the execution of sophisticated techniques—they are mostly the result of not getting the fundamentals right. Get the full story.
Matthew Syrett Why We Fail at Intimacy: Falling Short at the Promise of Relationship Marketing One of the promises of interactive marketing has long been its ability to create intimate relationships with our customers. As a promise, it has been largely unfulfilled. The consumer experience of these relationships is typically lackluster, and the marketers’ gains have been on the whole unremarkable. Which begs the question, “What are marketers doing wrong?” Get the full story. |

Steven Jackson Web Measurement: What You Don’t Know Would Make a Great Book In this Information Age, we deal with a constant flow of information from TV, Web sites, email, RSS feeds, mobile phones, PDAs, radio, newspapers, flyers, billboards and magazine covers. Why on earth, in the midst of this information overload, would you want to measure how people use your Web site—another source of data to barrage you with even more information? The answer is quite simple and is summed up best by the 18th century writer Sydney Smith: “What you don’t know would make a great book.” Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers The Kings of ROI Greetings, discerning readers! I’m downright honored this week to be introducing the first in a new four-part series on ROI by dynamic duo Jim Leskold and Hugh Macfarlane. As Hugh and Jim point out, profitability is elusive for some of us because we often don’t get the fundamentals right. Check out the first of their four-part series, “The Marketing Profitability Path: Mapping Your Journey” (accessible only to Premium Subscribers). Elsewhere in the pages of MarketingProfs, my colleague Matthew Syrett pens a thoughtful piece, “Why We Fail at Intimacy: Falling Short at the Promise of Relationship Marketing.” And on the how-to end of the spectrum is Richard Layton’s “Bootstrap Branding,” which asks, “Sure, it’s easy to brand if you have a Coca-Cola sized budget, but what about the smaller fish in the sea?” It’s branding for the rest of us. Thanks for dropping by this week. As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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Jared M. Spool The Top 3 Priorities of the Talking Horse Anytime somebody does something new with technology—something nobody else has ever done before—that technology goes through a “talking horse” stage. How can you tell whether your site (or part of it) is a talking horse? Is everyone focusing on just getting the site or one of its features to work? Is it the only place people can go to accomplish their goals? Does making it easy to use seem like a low priority? If so, you just might have a talking horse on your hands (ouch!). Get the full story. |

Yvonne Bailey and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: How to Sell the CEO More Than ROI Nowadays, it seems ROI just isn’t enough to get the deal done. This issue’s dilemma asks, How do you sell the CEO (or other executive) beyond the promise of a return on investment? Also this week: When territorial sales practices have gone too far. Get the full story.

| AD:TECH San Francisco May 24-26, 2004 Exclusive research, case studies and integrated marketing strategies to be delivered by top brands and agencies. Don't miss the event for interactive marketing! Register now and save! |
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Richard Layton Bootstrap Branding Most companies known for stellar branding—Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Intel, etc.—are masters of “deep pockets branding.” They have, to a large extent, bought their way into American’s hearts and minds thanks to multimillion-dollar marketing, advertising and promotional campaigns executed, in some cases, over decades. So, does that mean branding is strictly a high rollers’ game? Get the full story. |

Rich Harshaw The Customer’s Perception Isn’t Necessarily the Same as Reality There are really two different sides to your business. First, there’s the “inside reality”; and second, there’s the “outside perception.” Get the full story.
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