Jim Leskold and Hugh McFarlane
The Marketing Profitability Path: Mapping Your Journey (Part 2 of 4) The profitability of marketing depends on the path that customers take toward purchasing our products and services. Understanding how and where we can have the greatest influence on the buy cycle is ultimately the key to our effectiveness. Yet much of what we do in sales and marketing is like jumping out from behind a rock to say, “I’m ready to sell, I hope you’re ready to buy!” This has got to change. But how? Get the full story.
Tom Barnes Selling ROI: Beyond The Numbers If you are in marketing or sales, chances are it isn’t because you aced linear systems in college. Truth is, math intimidates many of us, and so the attention around ROI can be daunting. What gets lost in the math phobia is that selling ROI does in fact require very human, very relationship-driven, qualitative skills. These skills are far more important than the financial formulas that are so alien to most of us. Get the full story.

Nick Wreden 10 Rules for Corporate Blogs and Wikis A recent issue of a marketing trade publication featured a cover story dictating how agencies and companies are using blogs to promote brands and site visits. But the story was actually a case study in what not to do. Plus, it failed to even mention wikis as an emerging branding tool. Here are 10 rules for using blogs and wikis to achieve your branding goals in this emerging area. Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers ROI Redux Greetings, discerning readers! Welcome to another action-packed issue. This week, Hugh Macfarlane and Jim Lenskold continue their four-part series on ROI with part 2 of “The Marketing Profitability Path: Mapping Your Journey.” This week, they focus on the buy-cycle, and their installment is fat with ideas on the role marketing plays in that cycle. It’s a whole new way of looking at marketing’s role in the buying process. Check it out! Elsewhere, ROI gets another look from regular contributor Tom Barnes in “Selling ROI: Beyond the Numbers.” What I like about Tom’s work is its sharp how-to focus. And more than that, it’s fun to read. This week, he doesn’t disappoint his fans. And finally, check out Steven Lane’s clever piece, “Hip-Hop Marketing Strategy: What You Can Learn From Popular Music.” Sorta gets your attention, doesn’t it? Pull your chair up close and stick around. I think you’ll like what’s inside. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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Maureen McNamara Is Your Business Customer-Focused? If you are like many business owners and managers, you probably survey your customers, either formally or informally, to determine their level of satisfaction. Research studies indicate that if you really want to know how your customers feel about your company, you need ask only one question: “Would you recommend us to your family, friends, and colleagues?” If the answer is a resounding “Yes!” you are likely meeting, and even exceeding, your customers’ expectations. Here are 10 techniques that will help you meet the challenge of developing a customer-focused organization. Get the full story.

Yvonne Bailey and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: Positioning Products for Multiple Markets This issue’s dilemma asks, Can a company successfully position a product for launch in several markets simultaneously? Join the conversation and weigh in with your own thoughts. Also this week: Sometimes, you need to cut your losses and move on. What is the best way to not only keep customers, but to deepen the relationship, even after their favorite product is removed from the mix? Read your answers to the previous issue. Get the full story. |
Steven Lane Hip-Hop Marketing Strategy: What You Can Learn From Popular Music Our increasingly meta society has developed a critic’s eye for the marketing of entertainment. It’s commonplace to hear the newest number-one album decried as no more than a product of effective promotion. Well, even if you don’t jump on the hip-hop bandwagon and join the millions who have made the genre the nation’s dominant cultural force, you can easily learn valuable marketing lessons from these contemporary entrepreneurs. Get the full story. |

Lee Marc Stein The Economics of Premiums The use of premiums—or giveaways—has increased significantly over the past two years, according to recent reports. This trend flies in the face of the movement to cut marketing costs. So what gives? Get the full story. |
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