| Ray George Tapping into Brand Touchpoints Branding has grown into far more than a marketing buzzword, as an increasing number of organizations recognize and value their brands as strategic assets that are built through deeds, not merely words or images. The right starting point is a thorough examination of how the brand is being built today. It begins with identifying each point of interaction, or brand “touchpoint,” between the company and its constituents. Get the full story. |
Tamara Halbritter and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: Coordination Can Be Painful Finding the coordination to do a yoga move, fine-tune your backhand or push that puck to a goal can be challenging. But coordinating two sides of your business can be downright painful. This week's marketing dilemma : How to better coordinate call center and marketing teams. Also, how can an established company transfer its legacy into a new niche? Get the full story. |

Jim Sterne Highlight the Hot Spots The value of a promotional campaign does not have to start and end with sales. Identify the "hot spots" on your site and set up a tracking system. You can ultimately tie visits to those hot spots to banner ads, email marketing campaigns, e-zine advertising and search terms. Get the full story.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers Free Benchmarks Greetings, discerning readers.
By the time you read this, many of you will have received a survey questionnaire asking you about the nuts and bolts of your email marketing efforts. The survey queries you on such things as testing, campaign copywriting and campaign frequency… to name a few. Those who take the survey (and I hope you do!) will receive a link to the results, in all their comprehensive glory. Yeah, for free! Our goal is to offer you immediate, real-time email marketing benchmarks—at absolutely no cost. If you rely on email marketing in your marketing program (or are thinking about it), the survey results will give you the necessary benchmarks to compare and contrast your program with those of other marketers.
What’s the catch? There isn’t one, really.
The survey results are yours for your viewing pleasure. If you’d like the information customized and filtered to your specifications, there is a fee. But I’ll tell you straight out—it’s very affordable. It’s a mere pittance compared with what you might pay consultants for the very same information.
So take the survey and let me know your thoughts. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.
Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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| Lisa R. Schaertl Avoiding the Approval Death Spiral: Writing (Less Painfully) by Committee If you’re a communications manager or consultant for a company, you’re going to be writing things that need the approval of the CEO before they go out. And the VP of Marketing, of course. And the VP of Engineering better have a look. And maybe everyone who worked on the sale and implementation better review it too. Writing by committee ends with too many words and too little focus, and it is a colossal waste of time. That is, unless.... Get the full story.

Lee Gesmer Scrapers, Robots and Spiders: The Battle Over Internet Data Mining When American Airlines sued Farechase, Inc. in Federal District Court in Texas earlier this year, claiming that Farechase’s “screen-scraping” of AA’s flight information from AA.com was illegal, it was only the most recent in a series of cases challenging unauthorized data collection from Web sites. What practices constitute “screen-scraping”? Is “scraping” really illegal? What does this line of cases mean for your business? Get the full story. |
Adam Smithline Why Opt-In Just Doesn’t Matter A Byzantine world of privacy requirements, spam filters, blacklists and state-by-state, country-by-country legislation have already made email marketing challenging, and at the current pace could threaten its existence completely.
But just as it appears spam is going to render email completely useless, there is good news. Get the full story. |

Tom Asacker Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Loyalty How do we foster loyalty in a world full of product and price parity, and full of skeptics, cynics and other “freethinkers”? Do what the Wizard of Oz ultimately had to do. Give them what they believe they are missing—the virtues that they desire. Get the full story.
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