Vol. 3 , No. 32     August 12, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Measuring the Cost and Value of Your Content
  2. Small Business Lessons for Big Business
  3. Let the Computer Decide
  4. A Tale of Two Sales Pages: Which One Ends Up With the Paying Customers?
  5. Brandmouthing
  6. Five Effects of a Site on a Service Business Brand
  7. The Need to Build Relationships in Today’s Market



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Gerry McGovern
Measuring the Cost and Value of Your Content

Content should be the channel through which knowledge is formalized and communicated. Increasingly, content is becoming the problem.

A century ago, scarcity was a key issue. But increasingly, our society must deal with glut. We are becoming physically and intellectually overweight. We are eating too much and writing too much.

What to do? Let’s take our heads out of the sand, for starters.

Get the full story.

Digital Hatch

How To Market Technology and Generate Leads
Learn on to use the IT Engagement Marketing Model to generate qualified inbound leads for your sales team. Two Audio CD’s and a workbook. Only $37 www.digitalhatch.com/product_list.htm

Kirsten Osolind
Small Business Lessons for Big Business

Small businesses have perfected the art of island-hopping: packing light, living low and swiftly changing direction based on needs, news and impending threats.

Big businesses can get mired in hierarchy and politics long before they can muster switching gears. In today’s unpredictable world, big businesses can no longer afford to shelter the steadfast and specialists. Big businesses and their employees must learn to island-hop to remain competitive.

Get the full story.

Jim Sterne
Let the Computer Decide

Jim advocates the “Try It, Measure It, Tweak It” method of Web site design. While it may never catch on as an acronym (TIMITI?), the idea is simple and can have a profound impact on the success of your site.

The premise may be simple, but the implementation is challenging. Still, there’s some new technology making the whole thing a lot more intriguing.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Of Elevator Pitches & Book Summaries

My 11-year-old son is working his way through his summer reading list with great ambition – at least for a boy on vacation.

But what comes less easily to him is the summary he needs to write that distills the book into its digestible essence. How can he reduce the richness and intrigue of the 870-page Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, for example, into a few sparse paragraphs?

It’s not unlike the task marketers and other executives at times have before them, to distill the essence of their company in a one-line message or “elevator pitch.” Can you reduce your company’s fundamental va lue to a few sparse lines?< /font>

My good friend Hank Stroll sent me something this week that reinforced my son’s perspective of how difficult a task it is. Hank, a frequent MProfs contributor and co-author of our newly minted ebook, A Marketer’s Guide to e-Newsletter Publishing,
shared the results of a survey in which 9,500 high-level executives were asked to match the elevator pitches of unidentified CEOs with their respective well-known companies (Dell, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, and the like).

Some were easy: “To help practically anyone buy and sell practically anything.” (eBay) Or: “To be the leading direct computer-systems company, bar none.” (Dell)

Others were downright puzzling: “To be the 'preeminent building-block supplier' to the worldwide Internet economy.” (Would you believe Intel?) How about: “Deliver extremely high performance on inexpensive computers.” (Did you guess Oracle?) (Read the full survey results here.)

Good business focus starts with the basics. As Hank wrote, “The pitch is about communicating value. How can trust be earned if you can't say what you offer?”

Or, as I told my overwhelmed son, hone in on that one thing that made the book special: What was the core value or lesson you took from it? What made it unique?

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Exploring the Territory Known as No Brand's Land
  2. Best Advice From the MarketingProfs SWOT Team
  3. Looking for Attention: How to Get Your Product Release Noticed
  4. Eight Steps to Ward Off Spam Complaints
  5. Your Web Metrics Can Be All Wrong (Part 2)
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Analyzing Customers Top 5

  1. Marketing to Peacocks
  2. What’s Your Value Proposition?
  3. What Are Your Biases and Heuristics?
  4. Trust Is a Two-Way Street
  5. Your Web Site is Useless and Invisible


Sean D’Souza
A Tale of Two Sales Pages: Which One Ends Up With the Paying Customers?

Here you are surfing the Internet. And this Web site is giving you an $86 discount compared with another site—a whole 30% difference. Yet you end up buying the product from the site with the higher price.

Now why on earth would you do something as irrational as that?

Get the full story.

Kristine Kirby Webster

What if brands could figure out how to proactively harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing? What if—instead of badmouthing by consumers—we could harness the power of the consumer’s word in brandmouthing?

Get the full story.


NEW MEDIA MAIL - a fresh approach to email marketing

Fortune 500 companies use our product for internal communication. How do you use email marketing? Learn what New Media Mail delivers to our customers.

Mike Schultz and John Doerr
Five Effects of a Site on a Service Business Brand

It is now almost unheard of to find a consulting, technology or professional service business that does not have a Web presence.

But if you build it, will people come? And will they hand over their money?

Get the full story.

Al Fox and Mike Cuccia
The Need to Build Relationships in Today’s Market

Today’s business environment is difficult at best. As sales cycles become longer and the competition gets stiffer, businesses are looking for the proverbial “silver bullet.” Everyone wants a way to find qualified prospects… and close them better, faster and cheaper.

How? One relationship at a time.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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