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- Do Your Metrics Measure Up?
- Metadata: An Essential Web Writing Skill
- Stripping for the Audience: Secrets of Great Presenters
- Brand it Like Beckham
- 5 Ways to Integrate Your Ad Agency
- Get It Right (Before You Get It Out)
- Dear Tig: Distinguishing the Differences Between Brand Promise, Tagline, and a Positioning Statement
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Michael Perla Do Your Metrics Measure Up? Each metric you measure should be vetted in light of its reliability, validity, sensitivity, responsiveness, cost/benefit, comprehension, and balance. Yeah, we know. Putting each of your metrics through the paces may not seem exciting. But it is those measures that are the basis for any business case you construct or objective you set. Get the full story. |
Gerry McGovern Metadata: An Essential Web Writing Skill Metadata is one of the most misunderstood aspects of content management and website design. Editors and writers tend to look at it as a technical issue. Technical people look for a software solution. In fact, both are wrong. Metadata is a fundamental skill that Web writers and editors must acquire. Get the full story.

Randy Siegel Stripping for the Audience: Secrets of Great Presenters Some say that to relax, good presenters visualize the audience naked. But in fact, great speakers strip for their audiences. Great speakers and presenters are not afraid to bare their souls. They strip away all masks and illusions to allow audiences and prospects to see them for who they are. Get the full story. |
 |  |  | A Note to Readers The Old and the New Hello discerning readers! There’s lots of great stuff on tap this week. Entries by two authors new to the pages of MarketingProfs join some old favorites on the home page. Randy Siegel writes a fun but instructive piece about successful public speaking (“Stripping for the Audience: Secrets of Great Presenters”) while Josh Rose contributes a more tactical primer for integrated marketing campaigns (“5 Ways To Integrate Your Ad Agency”). So dig in, brethren! And by the way, if you are planning to attend @d:tech’s west coast show next week, look for MarketingProfs Publisher Allen Weiss. Allen will be roaming the halls at the event, which takes place in San Francisco, J
une 16-18. If you are attending, be sure to flag him down and say hello. If you aren’t attending, well…why not? As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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| Kristine Kirby Webster Brand it Like Beckham How did the Manchester United soccer franchise bring about such brand success that every brand extension they have launched (including ones unrelated to their core offering) are snapped up by their supporters? Get the full story. |

Josh Rose 5 Ways to Integrate Your Ad Agency When integration is happening really well, it is because the senior management of an agency is driving it. Following are five ways agency management can ensure they are prepared to offer true integration to their clients. Get the full story. |

il Ross Get It Right (Before You Get It Out) Advertising has become an engine of rudeness and crassness that grows ever louder and ruder. Advertising encourages people not to listen, not to pay attention. We have learned to tune in and tune out. Do you really want your business associated with shallow, self-centered, rude and crass envy? Surely there is a better way. Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Distinguishing the Differences Between Brand Promise, Tagline, and a Positioning Statement Tig takes on a tall order this week, even for him: What's the difference between a brand promise, tagline and positioning statement? Get the full story. |
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Content: Ann Handley ann@MarketingProfs.com
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