| Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba A Just Cause: Creating Emotional Connections With Customers Companies with a cause -- with a policy of making the world a better place -- often create emotional connections with customers. Those customers in turn tend to become its advocates and biggest supporters -- yes, its evangelists. A cause is not always the same as a mission or vision statement. A cause is simple, yet meaningful. It is something to believe in and rally around. Get the full story. |
Dana Blankenhorn The Diller Rules Over the years, journalists have wasted a lot of ink (real and virtual) criticizing Barry Diller and his stance toward the Internet. Dana has been guilty of it himself. (Actually, several times.) But with his latest purchase, Lendingtree.com, perhaps it’s time to look for a pattern in Diller’s purchases, and uncover some clues you might benefit from in developing your own Internet strategy. Get the full story. |

Suzan St Maur Words That Work for Audio: A Little Sound Advice What words work in audio? Suzan -- a self-described cynical old trout -- has been hired to rewrite too many terrible audio scripts to feel confident that the uninitiated marcommer can achieve perfection -- without some help. So, let’s talk help. Get the full story.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers The Dueling Duo Greetings discerning readers! Cliff Atkinson and Michael Fischler are two of the most dependable and solid writers here at MarketingProfs. Dependable, because they always submit their articles regularly (read: without my nagging). And solid, because they know their stuff cold and can write about it fluently. Both Cliff and Michael live in Los Angeles. Which is interesting, because they are anything but laid-back—at least when it comes to their work. Cliff, an expert on presentation design, has written a slew of articles for the site about, well, presentation design. And when last week Michael wrote an article titled “Why PowerPoint Quality Is Meaningless,” Cliff was a little miffed. In this context, the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. So this week Cliff again wields it to present a rebuttal of his own. In it, he questions Michael’s character, trashes his reputation, and insults his family. Actually, I’m kidding; he doesn’t really. Cliff simply presents his own well-articulated reasons for why you should give a hoot about the quality of your presentations. Anyway, you decide. And enjoy. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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| Cliff Atkinson Is Your Own PowerPoint Quality Really Meaningless? With any question of business strategy, it's important to collect a full spectrum of opinions and advice -- including on this issue of PowerPoint quality. So -- is PowerPoint quality meaningless or meaningful? You decide. Get the full story. |

Kristine Kirby Webster Who Owns Your Brand? Give customers ownership in your brand! It's the key to building a lasting and p
rofitable relationship! <
p>Well, DOH...! The problem is, many brands don’t do this. They may say they do, or profess to be working towards it, or make similar promises... but in the end many just don’t give the customers the ability to feel they “own” the brand.Get the full story. |

Monique Swafford Response Measurement: Tracing a Customer’s Behavior To conduct meaningful response measurement and analysis, it is vital that you have a thorough, well thought-out plan for capturing and storing customer behavior data. Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast
Dear Tig: Default Settings for Check Boxes, Fingering Bad Creative,
and Is a Customer List an Opt-in List?
This week,
Tig weighs in on two critical email marketing issues: What's
the best setting for the default for a check-box, and is a customer
list the same as an opt-in list?
Also, what's a media guy to do about bad creative? Shut up or speak up? Get the full story. |
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