| Andrea Learned From Scaredy-Cat to Shred Betty: One Snowboarder’s Marketing Truths How might the high-learning-curve truths of the snow-sport industry translate into some useful nuggets for marketers in general? Women and snowboarding, overall, may not be a classic marketer’s case study. But, bear with us. There are a few lessons we can learn here. Get the full story.
Doug Edge Marketing During War Time No matter your opinion of the ongoing war with Iraq, the reality is upon us. So what does it all mean for businesses? How should we be marketing to grow sales during this time of war? Get the full story. |

William Arruda Marketer: Market Thyself The days of corporate uniforms and pension plans are long gone. And with them, job security. Today, as marketing professionals in a new world, we need to manage our own careers. And we must do so in the midst of budget cuts, layoffs and restructuring. So how do we navigate this challenging terrain? Get the full story. |
 |  |  | A Note to Readers Real Life, Real Answers It might seen a little strange to see an article about snowboarding headlining this week’s issue of MarketingProfs. And frankly, it IS a little odd. But take a look at the excellent piece penned by my friend Andrea Learned of ReachWomen. Like any good marketer, Andrea is passionate about her “product” – which in her case is helping businesses walk the walk in the women’s market. Even when she’s far from home, shredding in Colorado, she’s thinking about this stuff. Which is why I really like this piece. It’s inspired by real life and offers real answers. Oh, and it’s a fun read, too. Check it out. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com
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| Suzan St. Maur 10 Online Writing Concepts That Work Wonders Offline, Too After the agony of attempting to make offline text work online, we’ve finally turned the tables. Now we can borrow back a number of online writing concepts and use them to sharpen our paper-based marketing communications. Get the full story. |

Sean D’Souza Why Problem-Based Positioning Is A Psychological Magnet Are you struggling to create a memorable positioning statement for your marketing? Here’s a vital se
cret that turns conventional marketing psychology on its head. By changing your positioning statement, find out how to transform your weakest link, into your strongest marketing tool ever. Get the full story.

| Web Analytics Best Practices - Real World Answers Vital presentations set the stage but participants set the networking agenda.
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Wil Reynolds Borrowing a Page from Amazon's Book Amazon may not be a beautiful site, but it does what it is intended to do -- sell products easily. And it does it quite well. Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Climbing Out of a Marketing Rut, How to Describe a Client Fire, and Tastes Great or Less Filling? This week, Tig weighs in on how to climb out of a deep marketing rut, and tells how to position a client fire. Also, read his take on an age-old debate in marketing. Get the full story. |
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