| Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba Bite-Sized Chunks: Getting Customers To Try Before They Buy How do you eat a cow? One bite at a time. It’s how companies recruit new customer evangelists, too. Instead of selling customers on the whole kit and cow-boodle of products, successful companies often first entice customers with a steak dinner. Get the full story.
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| Web Analytics Best Practices - Real World Answers MarketingProfs sponsors this executive forum on measuring Web success Register now for a $200 discount when you mention MarketingProfs |
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Jim Sterne Measuring Data: Whadda Ya Got? Before you can decide what data you need, you have to know what you have. There are a variety of ways to collect data about what people are up to on a Web site. Here they are in the briefest terms possible. Get the full story.

Laurel Delaney 10 Ways To Develop A High Global Business IQ It's worth your while to do some soul-searching and decide whether you have what it takes to go global, or are willing to cultivate the qualities you'll need to succeed. But going global requires a special way of understanding the world and operating in it. It's called "global intelligence." Get the full story.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers New Buttons to Push Hello discerning readers! Today we introduce something new to the MarketingProfs web site. Now, when you read an article on the site, you'll notice a new feature above the article title. Right next to the Print, Email, and Save options is a new Comment option. Feedback from readers inspired the new button. In the past few months, many of you have asked for a way to contact writers directly with feedback to their pieces. You talk, we listen. And starting today, you can rate an article’s usefulness and pass along your comments directly to the author. Sure, other sites do offer the same. We know that. And many of them ultimately post reader feedback as rants and raves. Instead, we hope this feature will give you a forum to engage in thoughtful interaction with those whose c
ontributions help make the
newsletter what it is. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. So go ahead–-this time, authors are standing by. Until next time, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs
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 |  | Last Issue's Top 5 - 10 Online Writing Concepts That Work Wonders Offline, Too
- Marketer: Market Thyself
- From Scaredy-Cat to Shred Betty: One Snowboarder’s Marketing Truths
- Why Problem-Based Positioning Is A Psychological Magnet
- Marketing During War Time
 AD:TECH San Francisco, June 16-18, 2003, Palace Hotel San Francisco AD:TECH, the defining event for interactive marketing, returns to
San Francisco to deliver best practices and case studies from Sprint,
Sony, Lands' End, Tower Records, NIKE, Comedy Central and
many more. Plenty of networking opportunities in the exhibit hall and
at special events.
Get event information and register here.
| Strategy Top 5 - From Scaredy-Cat to Shred Betty: One Snowboarder’s Marketing Truths
- Why Problem-Based Positioning Is A Psychological Magnet
- How to Addict Your Audience to Your PowerPoint
- SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- Smart Marketing For Emerging Businesses
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| Lee Marc Stein The Ultimate Taboo? Using Humor in Direct Response Among the rules Len learned as a young copywriter was this: "Don't use humor. There's nothing funny about separating a man from this money." But humor, he's since discovered, does have a much-needed place in copywriting. Get the full story. |

Basil Harris, Jr. “Strategies, Missions and Goals…Oh My!”: The Importance of Getting Your Planning Terminology Right Do you know the difference between a strategy and an objective? Is a mission the same thing as a goal, or a vision? Which, if any of these, can be measured? And how do they all relate to one another? Confusion over planning terms can reflect a poor understanding of underlying planning processes and desired outcomes. And this can spell bad news for your business. Get the full story.
Michael Perla How To Secure Widespread Adoption of Pretty Much Anything As any marketer knows, a product launch must be a coordinated and diligent effort. You also have to make sure that the offering is widely adopted as quickly as possible. How? Get the full story. |

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Creating Brand Characters, B2B Audience Data, and Critical About Creative This week, Tig weighs in on the hows and whys of creating brand "characters" and reveals sources for B2B audience data. Also, it is okay to be critical about creative? Get the full story. |
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