| Gerry McGovern The Hippie Days Are Gone Just like the 1960s, the '90s are over. From free love to free information, it was all quite a ride. But that was then, this is now. The Web is growing up. It's time for definition, time for metrics, time for standard processes. Get the full story. |
Debbie Weil 7 Nitty-Gritty Tips To Publish A Monthly E-newsletter Is killer content killing you? Too much of it? Not enough? Do you notice the months getting shorter and your deadlines rolling around with increasing frequency? If publishing a regular email newsletter is becoming a chore, listen up for seven nitty-gritty tips from the trenches. Get the full story. |

Kristine Kirby Webster The Value of a Brand Lies in its Service For a brand to be relevant and chosen by the consumer, it needs to show tangible benefits. All Kristine had to show for her experience at Sears after a recent shopping experience was a massive headache, a double charge on her credit card, and a botched delivery. Get the full story. |
 |  |  | A Note to Readers Winter of Her Discontent Greetings, discerning readers! Lots of good stuff on tap this week, especially a fun and instructive piece by Kristine Kirby Webster. Pity poor Kristine – she has had a rough start to the year. First, she moved houses during the worst Northeast winter of recent history. Then, she dealt with the slings and arrows of a flooding basement this spring. And this week, she talks about the biggest grievance yet – a profound disappointment in that Great American Brand, Sears. Kristine gripes as a consumer, but she has the perspective of a marketer. Check it out – it’s a good read. Until next week, Ann Handley a
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| Stephen Shaw Asking the Right Question Every business should have a litmus test that separates the truly loyal customers from those who are neutral or disaffected. Without knowing the proportion of customers who are steadfastly committed, ambivalent or susceptible to switching, marketing spending decisions can get made for the wrong reasons. Get the full story. |

John Doerr Services Marketing: Does Yelling Help? How does a CEO fix a company’s technology problems? He yells louder at the IT manager. The same is true in marketing professional and consulting services. When the leads aren’t coming in like they’re supposed to, the managing partner tends to go off the deep end. But there is an alternative. Get the full story.
Michael Lehman Smart Marketing For Emerging Businesses Entrepreneurial companies face a host of unique challenges as they try to establish themselves: low or no awareness in the marketplace; frequent changes in business direction; razor-thin budgets. Here are some core marketing principles to help lay a solid foundation for business growth. Get the full story. |

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: The Best Way to Safeguard Intellectual Property, and Is Well-Branded Media Worth the Cost? This week, Tig tackles when and how ideas can be safeguarded with intellectual property protection. Also, is exposure in well-known media properties worth the extra bucks? Get the full story.
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