| Kristine Kirby Webster Spice Up Your Brand Kristine warns all of you terrific readers that she is feeling quite contrary this week. She is deviating from her usual brand mantra that brands are about long-term relationships. Instead, she is saying that brands are about the short-term, at least some of the time. Get the full story.
Michael Fischler The Positioning of Pauline In the last installment of this series, our marketer was teetering--like Pauline in the old serials--perilously on the positioning precipice between corporate and product positions. Time to push her. Get the full story.

Sean D'Souza How to Turn an Email Marketing Disaster Into Profit Have you had an email fiasco where everything went totally bananas? Things you never meant to happen, happened. And you felt like hiding in some deep, dark cave, where no one could find you. Keep reading, because if this ever happens to you, you'll know what to do. Get the full story.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers Steal This Idea Given shrinking budgets, there’s never been a better time to get some free press. So if you’re looking to attract media attention to your business or cause, check out a new book by my colleague and fellow New Englander Marcia Yudkin www.yudkin.com. Marcia recently revised her 1994 tome, Six Steps to Free Publicity (Career Press, 2003). In it, she talks turkey about how to leverage publicity to build credibility and awareness – how to get started, how to find the best outlets, how to write a pitch letter, how to schmooze in the public eye. She covers it all. One of my favorite chapters is the useful “Thinking Like a Publicity Hound.” Take it from me – the recipient of buckets of misguided inquiries from would-be MarketingProfs contributors: this chapter alone is worth the price of the book. At the very least, tak
ing Yudkin’s advice will help
you clarify your goals and plot your best approach to getting a little exposure. Bottom line: With many years as a publicity and marketing consultant and author, Yudkin knows the drill. Hey – she got me to write her up, right? Till next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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| Cliff Atkinson How to Addict Your Audience to Your PowerPoint If PowerPoint were classified as a drug, which one would it be? Judging by its bad reputation these days, most PowerPoints would probably be classified as narcotics, sedatives or depressants. But with only minor changes to the molecular structure of your thinking, this software can become a powerful force to addict your audience to the mind-expanding content of your presentation. Follow this three-step prescription. Get the full story.

Michael Perla Understanding Financial Value Creation In today’s uncertain economic environment, most marketing investments need to be vetted by the finance department and show a strong Return on Investment in order to be funded. It's important for marketing professionals to be able to intelligently discuss true value creation in a financial context. Michael has created an acronym as a mnemonic to help remember how a company creates WIDER levels of value. Get the full story.
Russell Buckley Mobile Marketing – R U up 4 it? The mobile phone is the hot new and powerful marketing channel that savvy marketers are all talking about. It’s already huge in the UK and parts of Europe and is about to unleash itself in the US too. So what’s it all about? Get the full story. |

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Media Planner Swag, Media Commissions, and Representing P^rno Sites This week, Tig weighs in on gifts to media planners, typical buying commissions, and answers the query: What are the implications of representing a p^rn site? Get the full story. |
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