| Chris Maher Notes on Encouragement This is one tough business climate -- especially for marketing, which is often perceived as a cost rather than an investment. There's a process you can use to get through this lean time, however. It's called "revisiting your strengths." Get the full story.
Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba Creating Customer Communities: A Surgical Approach Organizations that create customer communities tend to create communities of evangelists. Customer communities build loyalty, provide valuable feedback, contribute to increased sales, and reduce costs. How? Get the full story.

Tom Barnes Is Branding Dead? That question raises ire in all but the most sanguine marketer. Branding dead? That’s pure heresy. Get the full story.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers What Is It Good For? Hello discerning readers. There was an interesting article in yesterday’s New York Times by Stuart Elliott. Titled “Marketers Brace for War,” the article talks about how the prospect of war in the Middle East is making clients of some agencies skittish about their ad plans. The war issue “is casting a lengthening shadow over Madison Avenue as worried advertisers postpone media-buying decisions, threatening to derail the industry's nascent recovery after one of its most difficult periods since the Depression,” Elliott writes. The article cites a few reasons advertisers are pulling back, primarily the “Iraq overhang” of advertisers not wanting ads to appear next to graphic images. Undoubtedly, there are other reasons – a shift in values toward sacrifice and away from “luxury,” for example. Read the article and give me your thoughts. What do you think? Are yo
u seeing skittishness among yo
ur own clients? Is it in the b2b or service sector, as well as in the consumer market? As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs
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 |  | Last Issue's Top 5 - The Biggest Reason Why Customers Are So Indecisive
- What’s Your Excellence?
- How To Run Customer Focus Groups Successfully
- Why Readers Prefer Text or HTML
- Friendship Branding: Common Sense in Practice
 AD:TECH San Francisco, June 16-18, 2003, Palace Hotel San Francisco AD:TECH, the defining event for interactive marketing, returns to
San Francisco to deliver best practices and case studies from Sprint,
Sony, Lands' End, Tower Records, NIKE, Comedy Central and
many more. Plenty of networking opportunities in the exhibit hall and
at special events. Get event information and register here.
| Copy/Content Top 5 - Overcoming the 6 Enemies of Good Marketing Messages
- How to Choose a Vendor by the Quality of their PowerPoint
- 8 Ways to Make Your Direct Marketing Copy Work Harder
- Power-Writing for the Web: 10 Golden Rules
- Measuring the Value of Your Content
|  |  |
| Christopher Kenton ROI: Friend or Foe? The next time you hear “ROI,” resist the temptation to roll your eyes, and think instead about the impact those three letters will have on your career. If you’re in marketing, the impact will be dramatic. Get the full story.

Jerry Fireman Case Studies: Real Life, Real Answers Case history articles are the most powerful way to drum up interest in your product. That's because they feature a real customer talking about how your product or service solved a real problem. Here’s how to write a case study and see it through to publication. Get the full story.
Jeff Doemland Why We Need Strong Brands What makes a company great? Truly great? What makes for a company that acts like a great leader? A company that inspires—not just its customers and employees—but its prospects as well? Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Sources for Stats on Surfers, Salaries, and Marketing’s Slice of the Pie Tig dishes out some great sources this week -- for web surfers, salary comparisons, and marketing's percentage of the pie. Get the full story. |
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