Roy Young Making Marketing Matter With the New York City Brand: An Interview With CMO Joe Perello Joe Perello has one of the best jobs we've come across in the while. This past spring, Joe was appointed Chief Marketing Officer of New York City by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. How much fun would it be to leverage the Big Apple as a brand? Get the full story. |
Tamara Halbritter and Hank Stroll SWOT Team Addresses MarCom Breakdown If the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, things can get pretty tangled. But what about when the feet sneak off with the organization in a completely new direction? Weigh in with advice and recommendations on how a marketing team can work through internal struggles and politics. Also this week: How do you prepare for an acquisition? Get the full story. |

Tom Barnes Rethinking Radio The radio landscape has changed. But product changes won’t eliminate distribution channels, and radio will not die from a massively disruptive content shift. Far from it. Think about how AM radio adapted its programming to the adoption of sonically superior FM in the ’70s, as well as how radio radically changed its programming with the mass adoption of TV 15 years before FMs dominance, and you can get a clear idea of how all this will play out. What's next for radio? And why should marketers pay attention? Get the full story.
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A Note to Readers Seamless Delivery Greetings, discerning readers! Almost 95,000 of you received this publication today, so seamless email delivery is obviously a cornerstone of our business. Over the past several months, we’ve searched exhaustively for a provider who could meet our needs—we know that we are a high-maintenance, demanding client when it comes to technical and service requirements. (But, to paraphrase my former therapist, at least we embrace it.) We are happy to announce that this week MarketingProfs Today is being delivered by a new email provider. In our opinion, EmailLabs is one of the very best the market has to offer. Not only are they competent, they are an extremely nice bunch of people. Drop by their site and take a peek at what EmailLabs has to offer (if you happen to be in the market yourself). In other news, the MarketingProfs bookstore has stocked a new product on its shelves. Kimberly L. McCall’s new book, Sell It, Baby!, is in stock and ready for downloading. The book title pulls no punches, and neither does the text. Its straightforward marketing how-to will boost your sales—and make you chuckle. Check it out. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com
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Marc J. Lewyn The Delicate Art of Generating Client Introductions While it is true that skills and service are still factors critical for success, you can no longer rely solely on them to build a professional practice or business. A variety of marketing strategies can help spread the word and attract clients. The most effective and often overlooked strategy is to encourage referrals. Get the full story. |

Steve Richeson A Part of the Problem You know who you are, one of the hundreds of unemployed, highly educated technology-marketing executives who used to be “somebody.” The jobs you (we) had are gone. That’s it, game over, the point is moot, eighty-sixed, etc. They are not coming back in their former form. Ever. So what now? Get the full story.
Gerry McGovern Choose Your Words Carefully What does “customer care” or “in a moment” mean to you? Probably something very different from what Dell and McAfee mean. The words you use make a big difference on the Internet. Carefully chosen, they can keep a customer happy. Sloppily chosen, they can infuriate. Get the full story.

Harry Hoover Advertising Is Dead; Long Live PR At one time, advertising alone did build brands. But that was in a simpler world. That world, sadly, is no more. Harry is convinced that to build a brand today, you need PR. Get the full story.
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