| Gerry McGovern How Important Is The Look And Feel Of Your Website? Your website must look good. But it also needs to deliver the goods. People come to the Web to gather content that will help them make a decision. In Gerry's view, winning on the Web can be like running a marathon: Complex and beautiful may win awards, but ugly and simple might just win the race. Get the full story.
Kim MacPherson Analyze This: Enhancing Email Response Email marketing is a process. It is, among other things, about moving people through a cycle of events. The challenge is to optimize messaging at each stage of the process in order to enhance response, to increase overall campaign results. Learn more. |

Tamara Halbritter and Kevin Sullivan Six Steps to Successful Newsletter Marketing In the go-go late ‘90s, electronic newsletters earned a bad name as every snake oil salesperson began using them for dubious communications. With the heady days of the Internet bubble behind us, it’s time to get back to newsletter basics. Here's the start of a six-part series on marketing successfully through good newsletter content. Read on.
 |  |  | A Note to Readers A Revolutionary Year
Greetings, discerning
…and Happy New Year. This is the first issue of the new year, and it seems appropriate to focus on the year that has passed and the one now emerging. From a business perspective, last year was anything but easy — sayonara, 2002! As for 2003, it’s anyone’s guess. In his weekly newsletter last week, my friend Gerry McGovern wrote from Ireland with his annual predictions for the coming year. In his final prediction, he wrote, “Recession or no recession, boom or bust, the Internet revolution will continue apace. More and more of our business, commerce, communication, work and leisure will happen online.” “In many ways,” Gerry sums up, “the Internet revolution has only just begun.” Gerry’s use of the word “revolution” is accurate. Not because we are any longer in the throes of turmoil, but because it’s permanently shifted the way it’s possible to do business – and with whom. What we’ll really see is online increasingly embraced as another platform from which to do business, adhering to the same rules of profitability and ethics as any other business venue. Many businesses have already made that shift, but for others it’s been a painful transition as they redefine their web presence according to more traditional business benchmarks. May your own 2003 be a prosperous and significant year. And for those of you interested in the balance of Gerry’s 2003 predictions, read them here. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs.com
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| Dan Thies
Is A Yahoo Listing Still Worth The Cost?
This past fall, the Yahoo portal changed the way it delivers search results. In the past, the most prominent results were exclusively culled from Websites in the Yahoo directory itself. Since October, sites in the directory no longer enjoy this privileged status. So what's now the value of being in the Yahoo directory? Here are the pros and cons. Read more.

Glenn Gow Why ROI Doesn’t Work (Part 1 of 2) Many technology companies have developed Return on Investment (ROI) tools for their sales organizations. But while many have developed some type of ROI tool, very few would claim that they are winning significant business as a result. Here's why most approaches to ROI-based selling don’t work, and provides a seven-step process to make it work in your company. Get the full story.
Suzan St. Maur 8 Ways To Make Your Marketing Messages Consistent Like a house of cards, a marketing message takes a long, painstaking time to build up -- yet only moments to knock down. Sometimes, all it takes is a one little piece of thoughtless communication that contradicts your marketing message. Here's how to stay clear of a disaster. Read on. |

Tig Tillinghast Dear Tig: Toe-to-Toe With The Big Guns, Below-the-Line Defined, and A Value Proposition vs. Positioning Statement This week, learn how to go toe-to-toe With the Big Guns, learn what defines "below-the-line," and read the difference between a value proposition and positioning statement. Get Tig's take. |
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