SEPTEMBER 4, 2001   VOLUME 1, NO. 12 
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In this issue you’ll find our newest articles....

1 - Maintain a Consistent Voice
2 - More Ways to Get Snookered by Advertising
3 - Don't Be Fooled, You Do Need Marketing Theory!
4 - Need Good Marketing Advice? Ask Your Grandmother
5 - Ode to Creativity - Marketing on a Budget
6 - How to Develop Trust
7 - Fulfill Fulfillment

8 - How You Can Help (Sponsor our Newsletter)
9 - + the top articles from our last newsletter - in case you missed it

This Issue's Marketing Tip: Position yourself, or your competitors and customers will do it for you. Don't know about positioning? Click here.

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And we don't mean singing....

Maintain a Consistent Voice

Keep the language of emails consistent with your other messages. And make it personal.

Major brands go to enormous lengths to maintain a consistent voice across all channels. A McDonalds TV ad, billboard, voucher, placemat and burger-wrapper all speak with one voice. The same goes for Sony, Ford or the American Cancer Society. They all protect their brands by ensuring that their core message and its style of delivery remains pretty consistent across all media.

In the offline world, the disciplines and processes have long been in place to ensure a consistency of message. But often this isn't the case online. The online environment, still in its infancy, is home to some terrible discord between different messages from the same company.

As a case in point, here are some of the messages put out by Victoria's Secret.

Do we have your interest? the story

More Ways to Get Snookered by Advertising
It's more subtle than you can imagine.
Read more

Despite Einstein, theory is not relative....

Don't Be Fooled, You Do Need Marketing Theory!

For a long time I thought about writing an article explaining the virtues of using marketing theory when building any marketing strategy. The idea, however, sounded so pompous that I tended to resist it, even though my experience and observation of marketing practice told me otherwise.

Then I read a recent article in which the author warned marketers to be careful about following theory and to instead rely heavily on practice. The basic argument in the article was that business and marketing theory suggested that firms should dump millions of dollars into branding with the expectations of "building a national brand overnight." Also, that AOL's Steve Case became wildly successful in part due to his forgetting marketing theory and focusing on ease of use and blanketing the planet with free samples.

This is nonsense, plain and simple. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you forget marketing theory, your marketing plan, and your product are likely to fail.

Oh really..why is that?'s why

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Need Good Marketing Advice? Ask Your Grandmother
And you thought they were just good a baking cookies.
Read the story

Ode to Creativity: Marketing on a Budget
Still out of cash..Bank on your creativity!
Find out how

Do you really trust this site?....

How to Develop Trust

If you want to instill customer loyalty, first build trust. Employ some common sense approaches at your Web site. Ensure that your infrastructure is reliable, responsive, secure and effective. Visitors should feel welcome, not intimidated. The "easy-to-use, multichannel communications tools" you deploy at your site should operate as advertised.

Trust is built slowly over time. Each interaction provides greater strength for the foundation of a longlasting and trusting relationship. Consumers will appreciate your efforts which will, in turn, enhance their trust in your operation and increase their loyalty to your products and services.

Trust fosters loyalty; loyalty breeds customer retention; retention leads to success.

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Fulfill Fulfillment
When I opened the shipping box I found a piece of peppermint hard candy.
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Top Articles from our Last Newsletter

Most of What I Know about Marketing, I Learned Waiting Tables - When you live off tips, you can learn a lot.

Cheap & Easy: Low-Cost Ways to Touch Your Market - Make a big splash, without the cash.

How to Write a Press Release - Get third party objectivity.

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