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this issue youll find our newest articles....
- What Do Women Want?
2 - Pop Psychology
3 - Harness the Power of the Rainbow
4 - Brochure Design: Be So Good Your Competition Weeps
5 - It's Time to Invest in the Message
6 - Is it Technological Progress or Invasion of Privacy?
7 - + the top articles from our last newsletter - in case you
missed it
Note: Also, be sure to try out our new Perspectives
page, which allows you to sort all the articles on the site
by your area of interest.

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search engines and directories to be the most popular and cost-effective
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always wondered, and now youll know....
What Do Women Want?
question. And one that marketers all over the world are struggling
to answer. No, I'm not talking about late- night strolls by the
sea and diamonds; I'm talking about the future of marketing.
And women, it seems, hold the key. Women buy (or influence the purchase
of) 80% of today's consumer goods. And the trend is continuing online
with more women surfers and buyers than men. So, how do we target
this feminine segment of the buying population? Think soft. Think
informative. Think gossip.
So what do they really want?
here to find out

the Power of the Rainbow
doesnt simply look nice (or not). It speaks to the subconscious!
here to find out how

controversial tactic from a psychologists point of view....
Pop Psychology
the non-stop search for ever-increasing exposure opportunities,
Internet advertisers are contemplating the use of one of the web's
newest tactics: the pop-under ad. This development follows on the
heels of the now familiar pop-up ad. Is the pop-under some new gimmick
or can we really expect gains from this new device beyond that delivered
by pop-ups? The answer seems to be a little of both.
what we know from academic research about consumer information processing,
the pop-under has some distinct advantages over other web-advertising
tactics, particularly pop-ups. First, it is different from pop-ups
as it is shown when you are finished viewing a web site not during
the web-site visit. Lots of academic research in marketing shows
that our attention is focused on whatever is goal relevant. If we
are searching an Internet site, chances are our attention is focused
on the information on that site that is relevant to what brought
us there in the first place. If we've gone to a food site, it's
likely to be a recipe; if a clothing site it's likely to be some
new clothes that will make us feel sexy, help us feel comfortable,
or make us look stylish. Except for some highly targeted ads, it
is unlikely that the pop-up ads' content reflect consumers' interests
and the goal they are trying to achieve by visiting the web site.
pop-ups are attention getting, and this is one of their purported
benefits over static banner ads. Academic research shows us that
movement captures attention, and pop-ups do "pop" up onto
the screen.
what's the problem with that?
here to read the article.

by: Sandy
Bay Networks
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decisions. Click
here to try it Free for 15 Days!

Design: Be So Good Your Competition Weeps
More tips than you can imagine on
designing to win!
the tips

wasted too much already....
It's Time to Invest in
the Message
online has invested billions of dollars in the technology that delivers
its messages. The trouble is, it has invested almost nothing in
the messages themselves.
an example of how that plays out. An online retailer, anxious to
connect with its customers on a one-to-one basis, does some homework
and then invests four hundred thousand dollars in personalization
software. The IT guys are delighted, senior management feels confident
and the marketing folks cross their fingers and hope that this 'solution'
is all it's cracked up to be.
course, this personalization software does some great things in
terms of slicing and dicing the audience and firing off personalized,
customized emails to a number of different segments. The system
hits the right people at the right times.
does it hit these carefully and very expensively targeted people
with the right message?
Read the rest of the story on the

It Technological Progress Or An Invasion Of Privacy?
points to remember when designing a privacy policy
forget these ideas

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