Power out? No problem. twitter.com/Oreo/status/29…
— Oreo Cookie (@Oreo) February 4, 2013Now, admittedly, most of us don't have social media mission control rooms filled with creatives and executives gathered for the sole purpose of capitalizing on a huge ad spend. But the principle remains the same: Know your audience, seek opportunities to create content that's interesting to them and provide it at just the right moment. Like Audi did in its very funny tweet that poked Mercedes-Benz, its competitor that holds the naming rights to the Superdome:
Sending some LEDs to the @mbusa Superdome right now...
— Audi (@Audi) February 4, 2013
What's the right moment? Keep your eyes and ears open and you'll know. In the meantime, be prepared, be nimble and be smart. To the quick-draw content marketer goes the spoils.
A version of this post originally appeared on Social Well.