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In This Issue
+ How-To: Twitter Profile Picture Hall of Shame
+ Podcast: Nonprofit 'ZERO--The End of Prostate Cancer' CEO Jamie Bearse
+ #SocialSkim: This Week: Yahoo's New Logo, Marketing With Images, More...
+ Take10: SWOT Is Not Enough--A Four-Step Approach to Competitive Analysis
+ Infographic: The Inbox Is a Battlefield
+ Survey Says: Who Uses Social Networks: Age, Race, Income Breakdown
+ Video: How to Get Your Apps Ready for iOS7
+ My View: Social Is Now the Most Important Search Ranking Factor
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How-To Twitter Profile Picture Hall of Shame
By Barry Feldman
Relationships begin with an introduction. In the case of Twitter (and social media in general), your profile picture is a big part of that introduction—your first impression. Don't blow it... Read More
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Podcast Angry Walnuts and Men's Health: 'ZERO--The End of Prostate Cancer' CEO Jamie Bearse
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Jamie Bearse discusses nonprofit marketing, blogger outreach, and promoting men's health (even when doing so makes men uncomfortable). Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: How to Get Your Apps Ready for iOS7
By Rene Cacheaux
Apple's ushering in a design overhaul, and it's expected to get adopted fast. What should marketers know about iOS 7? Here are the basics. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: SWOT Is Not Enough--A Four-Step Approach to Competitive Analysis
In just 10 minutes, MarketingProfs founder and CEO Allen Weiss will review a four-step approach to competitive analysis. You'll learn to think more strategically not only about your competitors' next moves but also about the most effective ways you can respond to them. Read More
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Survey Says
Who Uses Social Networks: Age, Race, and Income Breakdown
By Ayaz Nanji
Nearly three-quarters (72%) of online US adults were using social networking sites as of May 2013, up from 67% in late 2012, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Yahoo's New Logo, Marketing With Images, More...
By Angela Natividad
Summer’s just about over, social is spinning on, and a picture's worth a thousand characters. Get the skinny on Yahoo's new logo, whether images increase engagement on Twitter, how to use Instagram and Pinterest to your advantage, and much more! Read More
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My View Social Is Now the Most Important Search Ranking Factor
By Jeff Woelker
In a recent in-depth study, seven of the top eight factors associated with high search rankings are social. So, is your content optimized for search and social? Read More
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Sep 12
Online Seminar—Supercharge Your Brand: How Empowerment Drives Social Media Advocacy
Sep 13
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing Sign up for free!
Sep 19
Online Seminar—Welcome to the Collaborative Economy
Sep 26
Online Seminar—Leveraging Data-Based Marketing to Find and Win the Invisible Sale
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+
Dec 5
MarketingProfs University—Content Marketing Crash Course Special prices for groups of 3+