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In This Issue
+ How-To: 7-Point Checklist: Get the Right Landing Page to Show Up in Search
+ Podcast: 'Eyes Wide Open' Author Noreena Hertz on Consumer Behavior
+ #SocialSkim: The Emmys, Facebook & Twitter Playing Nice
+ Take 10: How to Create Goals in Google Analytics
+ Infographic: How People Search Online
+ Video: What You Can Learn From the Best iOS 7 Apps (So Far)
+ Survey: How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last 5 Years
+ My View: Three Habits of a Harmonious Sales and Marketing Relationship
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How-To Your Seven-Point Checklist: Get the Right Landing Page to Show Up in Search Results
By Aleh Barysevich
In search results, keyword-to-landing page correlation can be unpredictable, but you can take certain actions to increase the odds of better match. Take these steps to get the right page to rank for your target keywords. Read More
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Podcast Eyes Wide Open: Author Noreena Hertz Talks About Consumer Behavior
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
What factors influence decision-making? Author Noreena Hertz discusses her book, Eyes Wide Open, which uses scientific research about decision-making processes, along with real-world examples. Read More
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Video What You Can Learn From the Best iOS 7 Apps (So Far)
By Conrad Stoll
Everyone has an opinion on the newest iOS. As the dust settles, we look at some of the best apps released alongside iOS 7 and how you can look to them to take advantage of iOS 7's new features. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: How to Create Goals in Google Analytics
To get the most out of Google Analytics, you need to set up goals that you can measure over time, then evaluate how your website traffic contributes to your business objectives and your bottom line. In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to set up basic goals in GA so you can start to analyze your website traffic right away. Read More
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Survey Says
How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last Five Years
By Ayaz Nanji
Since 2008, marketers have adopted a more simplified email sign-up process for new subscribers and now ask for significantly less personal information, according to a recent study by Return Path. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Facebook and Twitter Playing Nice
By Angela Natividad
Review the best (and worst) of "real-time" marketing efforts during the Emmy Awards. Get the scoop on the first use of Tumblr in a court case; a new app that lets brands ask fans for permission to use their photos; and Facebook and Twitter's latest efforts to get in good with the community. Read More
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My View Three Habits of a Harmonious Sales and Marketing Relationship
Gareth Cartman
The stereotype: Marketing and Sales just don't get along. But in some companies, they have a truly harmonious relationship. What's their secret? Read More
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Seminar—Take on the World: Compete Globally with Customer Experience Management
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