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In This Issue
+ How-To: Five Tips for Marketing to Win Love From Sales
+ Podcast: Create Contagious Content: Author Jonah Berger
+ #SocialSkim: This Week: Apple, 'Verified' on Pinterest, the Viral Video King
+ Take 10: Four Steps to Personal Branding Success
+ Infographic: Social Media Lessons You Learned in Kindergarten
+ Survey Says: Search Ranking Factors: What Google Looks For [Infographic]
+ Video: What the New iPhones Mean for Your Apps and Marketing
+ My View: Five Fantastic Reasons for Using 'Explainer' Videos
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How-To Five Tips for Marketing to Win Love From Sales
By Nasheen Liu
"It's complicated" is a good description of the Sales and Marketing love/hate relationship. Having been on both sides of the fence, I have a few tips to help make your Sales stakeholders fall in love with you. Read More
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Podcast Create Contagious Content: Author Jonah Berger Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Jonah Berger, author of the bestselling Contagious, discusses how companies can use word-of-mouth and social transmission to amplify their brand message. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: What the New iPhones Mean for Your Apps
By Kevin Harwood
An iOS expert talks about what cheaper phones and faster chips mean for your apps and marketing. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: Four Steps to Personal Branding Success
In just 10 minutes, you'll learn four steps to personal branding success. We'll discuss how to set yourself apart from the crowd, how to effectively communicate your strengths to your target audience, and how to maintain a spotless online reputation. Read More
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Survey Says
Search Ranking Factors 2013: What Does Google Look For? [Infographic]
By Ayaz Nanji
High numbers of social signals—such as likes, shares, tweets, and plus-ones—help websites appear at the top of Google search results, according to a recent study. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Apple, 'Verified' on Pinterest, Viral Video King
By Angela Natividad
This week, we've got Apple's latest product announcements (and the bevvy of competitor tweets that followed), how to get "verified" on Pinterest (and why), what brands tweeted on 9/11, and who's just been crowned king of viral video. Read More
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My View Five Fantastic Reasons for Using 'Explainer' Videos
By Manroop Takhar
When used well, "explainer" videos can build trust in your company and engage potential customers. Here are some reasons to include such videos in your marketing. Read More
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Sep 19
Online Seminar—Welcome to the Collaborative Economy with Jeremiah Owyang
Sep 26
Online Seminar—Leveraging Data-Based Marketing to Find and Win the Invisible Sale
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+
Nov 8
Virtual Conference—Mobile Marketing Sign up for free!
Dec 5
MarketingProfs University—Content Marketing Crash Course Special prices for groups of 3+