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In This Issue
+ How-To: Three Deadly Reasons Most Websites Fail
+ Podcast: Tips for Wrangling Content (and Cattle): Spredfast CMO Rudden
+ #SocialSkim: This Week: Controversy, Facebook's Shared Photo Albums
+ Seminar: Tame the Content Beast—Avoid Content Creation Overload
+ Infographic: Responsive Web Design: The Next Great Hope or All Hype?
+ Survey Says: Mobile Email Benchmarks and Trends by Industry
+ Video: The State of Video in 2013 [Video Infographic]
+ My View: Your Product Isn't the Hero, Your Customer Is
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How-To Three Deadly Reasons Most Websites Fail
By Mike Volpe
Although websites were introduced over 20 years ago, the vast majority still function on old-school paradigms. Here's where most websites are getting it wrong—and how you can get it right with your own site. Read More
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Podcast Tips for Wrangling Content (and Cattle): Spredfast CMO Jim Rudden
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Spredfast CMO Jim Rudden discusses trends in social marketing, content strategy, and using existing content to make "content risotto." Read More
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Video The State of Video in 2013 [Video Infographic]
By Jose Sanchez
This infographic about the state of video marketing and its use in social media channels provides data about the growth of video, its consumption on mobile, and what those numbers mean for marketers. Read More
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PRO   Seminar: Taming the Content Beast—How to Avoid Content Creation Overload
You'll get actionable advice on how to efficiently engage your buyers—and avoid feeling overwhelmed—when creating compelling content is on the agenda. Read More
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Survey Says
Mobile Email Benchmarks and Trends by Industry
By Ayaz Nanji
Consumers open almost half of all marketing emails on mobile devices, yet they prefer to interact with promotional messages on a computer, according to a recent report by Yesmail Interactive. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Controversy, Facebook's Shared Photo Albums, More
By Angela Natividad
See what two controversies rocked the social scene this week (neither involved Syria). Also find a flowchart for choosing hashtags, stats on the best socnets for B2B, Twitter's latest social TV buy, a GIF-based horror saga, and news on Facebook's shared photo albums (among other handy-dandies). Skim for the skinny on twerking. Read More
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My View Your Product Isn't the Hero, Your Customer Is
By Kathryn Gillett
"The product as hero" is so ingrained in us sales and marketing folk, that it's almost in our DNA. But to make our product succeed, we need to think of our audience as the hero. Read More
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Sep 12
Online Seminar—Supercharge Your Brand: How Empowerment Drives Social Media Advocacy
Sep 13
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing Sign up for free!
Sep 19
Online Seminar—Welcome to the Collaborative Economy
Sep 26
Online Seminar—Leveraging Data-Based Marketing to Find and Win the Invisible Sale
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+