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In This Issue
+ How-To: Google Is Rewriting Email Marketing Rules. What You Can Do...
+ Podcast: Ravens' Andres: Social, Mobile & the Future of Sports Marketing
+ #SocialSkim: The Week in Social, Facebook's Big Plans, LinkedIn & Teens
+ Seminar: Key Digital Trend Currents Shaping Business
+ Infographic: How Do You Measure Content Marketing?
+ Survey Says: Email Newsletter Benchmarks: Opens, CTRs, Subject Lines
+ Video: How Wearable Tech Is Forever Changing Healthcare
+ My View: Marketo's Jon Miller on Being Transparent and Creating Content
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How-To Google Is Rewriting the Rules of Email Marketing in Its War With Facebook. What Can Marketers Do?
By Dela Quist
In the last two months, Google has trampled on the rulebook with the introduction of its Promotions tab in Gmail and the addition of email-style advertising. Here's what you need to do to prepare. Read More
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Podcast Social, Mobile, and the Future of Sports Marketing: The Baltimore Ravens' Andres
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Michelle Andres, vice-president of digital media for the Ravens, explains how the team rose to social media prominence in the NFL and turned its website from a lonely afterthought into the online destination for fans. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: How Wearable Tech Is Forever Changing Healthcare
By Diego Larrea-Puemape
At this year's Wearable Technologies Conference, we saw the latest innovations. What got us most excited for their potential? Wearables in healthcare. Read More
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PRO   Seminar: Key Digital Trend Currents Shaping Business
You'll learn to look beyond trends to trend currents—those inevitable, inexorable forces shaping the world of business and communications. You'll discover five key terms that will help you assess which strategies and tactics will bear the most fruit in the long term. Read More
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Survey Says
Email Newsletter Benchmarks: Open Rates, CTRs, Subject Lines
By Ayaz Nanji
Email newsletters with short subject lines (4-15 characters) had the highest average open rate (15.8%) in 2012, according to MailerMailer's annual Email Marketing Metrics Report. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Facebook's Big Plans, LinkedIn and Teens
By Angela Natividad
Just when you think you "get" social, it changes again. See two examples of subversive social culture, Facebook's plans to bring the Internet to the 'net-less, LinkedIn's quest for teens, Diesel's Tumblr cattle call, and—our favorite—technology that puts call-to-action buttons right inside your GIFs (or other social imagery of choice). Skim to transform social into sales. Read More
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My View WayBack Marketing: Marketo's Jon Miller on Being Aggressively Transparent and Creating Content
By Aaron Dun
Our WayBack series covers critical strategies of today’s most successful B2B marketers. We go back to when they got started and uncover what programs they executed that are most connected to their success today. Up next is Jon Miller of Marketo. Read More
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Aug 29
Online Seminar—Taming the Content Beast: How to Avoid Content Creation Overload
Sep 12
Online Seminar—Supercharge Your Brand: How Empowerment Drives Social Media Advocacy
Sep 13
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing Sign up for free!
Sep 19
Online Seminar—Welcome to the Collaborative Economy
Sep 26
Online Seminar—Leveraging Data-Based Marketing to Find and Win the Invisible Sale
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+