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In This Issue
+ How-To: How to Create Your Hourly Rate for Digital Marketing Services
+ Podcast: Think [and Get Fans] Like a Rock Star: Author Mack Collier
+ #SocialSkim: This Week: Domino's Gaffe, Breaking Bad, More...
+ NEW Seminar: The New Business Development Ecosystem
+ Infographic: 10 Super Powers of the World's Greatest Social Media Marketer
+ Video: Tablets as Sales Tools: Boost Productivity, Profits [Infographic]
+ Survey Says: Top B2B Content Marketing Trends in 2013
+ My View: An Award-Winning Blog in Less Than a Year [Visual Sketchnotes]
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How-To How to Create Your Hourly Rate for Digital Marketing Services
The good news is that you don't need an MBA and you needn't have taken an accounting class to figure out the basics of your cost structure and an associated billable rate. Read More
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Podcast Think Like a Rock Star: Author Mack Collier Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Author Mack Collier talks to Marketing Smarts about his book Think Like a Rock Star and the ways companies can meaningfully connect with their best customers (and biggest fans). Read More
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Video How Using Tablets as Sales Tools Boosts Productivity, Profits [Video Infographic]
By Zach Redler
With more and more sales reps using their mobile devices during sales calls, CSOs and CMOs have been scrambling to find ways to capitalize on the trend. Read More
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PRO   NEW Seminar: The New Business Development Ecosystem
We'll examine three primary components of the new business development ecosystem. You'll learn what roles each component is responsible for, how they should be used individually, and how they should be integrated for optimal results. Read More
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Survey Says
Top B2B Content Marketing Trends in 2013
By Ayaz Nanji
The popularity of whitepapers as a B2B content marketing format is declining in relation to more interactive, easily digestible formats such as video, according to a recent survey. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Domino's Gaffe and Breaking Bad
By Angela Natividad
Catch the first-ever WhatsApp music video (by Katy Perry), Twitter’s latest social TV moves, a GIF library from Reddit, the latest community management gaffe… this time from Domino’s, and when to Vine vs. when to Instagram. Also, if you’re a Breaking Bad fan, we’ll wrap up with a treat just for you. Skim to break social. Read More
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My View Build an Award-Winning Blog in Less Than a Year [Visual Sketchnotes]
By Verónica Maria Jarski
In a recent Marketing Smarts podcast, Ian Cleary shared tips about content creation, blogging tools, and building a blog audience. Here's a look at his suggestions—in the form of visual sketchnotes. Read More
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Aug 22
Online Seminar—Key Digital Trend Currents That Are Shaping Business
Aug 29
Online Seminar—Taming the Content Beast: How to Avoid Content Creation Overload
Sep 12
Online Seminar—Supercharge Your Brand: How Empowerment Drives Social Media Advocacy
Sep 13
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing Sign up for free!
Sep 19
Online Seminar—Welcome to the Collaborative Economy
Sep 26
Online Seminar—Leveraging Data-Based Marketing to Find and Win the Invisible Sale
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+