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In This Issue
+ How-To: The Best Content Ideas Come From Customers' Nightmares
+ Podcast: Content Marketing & Entrepreneurship: Skyword CEO Tom Gerace
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Teens Finally Tweeting
+ NEW Seminar: SEO in 2013: Current Trends and Predictions
+ Infographic: Surprising Facts About Customer Loyalty Marketing
+ Video: How Google's Chromecast Challenges Apple, Roku...
+ Survey Says: 22% of Opt-in Emails Not Reaching Inboxes
+ My View: Four Reasons Marketers Need to Embrace Google+
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How-To The Best Content Ideas Come From Customers' Nightmares
By Barry Feldman
Want to get frighteningly good at content marketing? Take a trip with me to the dark side. Off we go... venturing into some scary territory: the human psyche. Who knows what we'll find... Read More
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Podcast Content Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Skyword CEO Tom Gerace Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Serial entrepreneur and Skyword CEO Tom Gerace talks with Marketing Smarts about content strategy, affiliate marketing, entrepreneurship, and everything in between. Read More
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Video How Google's Chromecast Changes TV
By Kathryn Legendre
Google recently announced Chromecast, a $35 device that shakes up mobile TV—and TV in general. Will Google finally own the living room? Read More
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PRO   NEW Seminar: SEO in 2013: Current Trends and Predictions
SEO is a quickly evolving field: In just the past two years, the industry has been shaken to its core, forcing SEO professionals to change their tactics. Find out which SEO tactics and strategies are working now—and which ones will still be working in five years. Read More
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Survey Says
22% of Opt-in Emails Not Reaching Inboxes
By Ayaz Nanji
Nearly a quarter (22%) of opt-in marketing emails never made it consumers' inboxes in the first half of 2013, according to a recent study by Return Path. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Teens Finally Tweeting
By Angela Natividad
Summer's nearly over, but the social space is just warming up. Get the latest on Geek Week, Twitter, Facebook, Jeff Bezos's WaPo buy, Yahoo's absorption of RockMelt, and responsive design. Skim for a brighter tomorrow! Read More
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My View Four Reasons Marketers Need to Embrace Google+
By Stephan Hovnanian
In a recent informal MarketingProfs poll, marketers named Google+ their most hated social network. As a marketer who likes Google+, I decided to share four reasons I like Google+ (and why you should, too). Read More
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Aug 15
Online Seminar—The New Business Development Ecosystem
Aug 22
Online Seminar—Key Digital Trend Currents That Are Shaping Business
Aug 29
Online Seminar—Taming the Content Beast: How to Avoid Content Creation Overload
Sep 13
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing Sign up for free!
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Special prices for groups of 3+