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In This Issue
+ How-To: Top 10 Ways to Improve Email Open Rates
+ Podcast: Choose Your Own Marketing Adventure: Nick Westergaard
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Social Analytics, Improved Meetings...
+ Take 10: Merchandising Your Homepage to Increase Sales
+ Infographic: Direct Mail Marketing, Direct Profit?
+ Survey Says: The Most (and Least) Effective Keywords in Email Subject Lines
+ My View: Joe Chernov on Starting Big and Producing 'Mullet Content'
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How-To Top 10 Ways to Improve Email Open Rates
By Kevin Gao
For marketers, achieving a high open rate is highly desirable, and it is often a key metric for shedding light onto the effectiveness of a campaign. These 10 best-practices ensure open rates are as high as possible. Read More
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Podcast Choose Your Own Marketing Adventure: Nick Westergaard Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Nick Westergaard of Brand Driven Digital gives us a sneak peek at his B2B Marketing Forum presentation on Choosing Your Own Marketing Adventure. For more great insights, come see him speak in October. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: Merchandising Your Homepage to Increase Sales
In just 10 minutes, you'll learn the three most important things to consider when merchandising your homepage. You will be able to increase not only conversions but also your average sale amount. Read More
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Survey Says
The Most (and Least) Effective Keywords in Email Subject Lines
By Ayaz Nanji
Emails with the word "alert" in their subject lines have a higher than average open rate, whereas those with "report” have a lower average lower open rate, according to a recent study. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Social Analytics and Improved Meetings
By Angela Natividad
It's gonna be a long summer. To tide you over, we've got a cat with a British accent, some branded coattail-riding on the royal baby, and updates to Tumblr and Adobe Social analytics, and—finally!—a way to 'Net surf from your (non-Smart) HDTV. That's just the start. Skim to stay cool. Read More
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My View WayBack Marketing Series: Joe Chernov on Starting Big and Producing 'Mullet Content'
By Aaron Dun
In our new WayBack series, we focus on the critical strategies today’s most successful B2B marketers use. We go back to when they got started and uncover what programs they executed back then that are most connected to their success today. Up first is Joe Chernov of Kinvey. Read More
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Aug 8
Online Seminar—SEO in 2013: Current Trends and Future Predictions
Aug 8
MarketingProfs University—Search Marketing School Special prices for groups of 3+
Aug 15
Online Seminar—The New Business Development Ecosystem
Aug 9
Virtual Conference—Social Media Strategy Sign up for free!
Aug 22
Online Seminar—Key Digital Trend Currents That Are Shaping Business
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates