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In This Issue
+ How-To: Mark Twain's 10-Sentence Course on Branding and Marketing
+ Podcast: Marketing So Useful, People Would Pay for It: Youtility Author Baer
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Riot Control, A/B Testing
+ Take 10: Using Social to Get More From Your Tradeshow Investment
+ Infographic: Cats and Bacon: Why They Continue to Go Viral Online
+ Survey Says: Email and Search Deliver More Customers Than Social Media
+ My View: Three Eye-Pleasing Ideas for Developing Visual Content
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How-To Mark Twain's 10-Sentence Course on Branding and Marketing
By Tom Bentley
Samuel Clemens created the cherished celebrity known as Mark Twain as surely and craftily as he created Huck Finn. The man had "platform" a century before the concept had circulation. Read More
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Podcast Marketing So Useful, People Would Pay for It: Youtility Author Jay Baer
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Jay Baer's new book, Youtility, provides a comprehensive guide for businesses on "marketing sideways" and winning loyal customers by providing extremely helpful content. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: Using Social Media to Get More Out of Your Tradeshow Investment
In just 10 minutes, you'll learn effective ways to integrate social media into your tradeshow efforts. You'll walk away with tips for how to use social media platforms to draw more people to your booth and get the attention of potential customers who couldn't make it to the show. Read More
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Survey Says
Email and Search Deliver More Customers Than Social Media
By Ayaz Nanji
Organic search still leads as the largest channel for online e-commerce customer acquisition, and email as a channel has explode in growth over the past four years, according to a recent report. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Social as Riot Control, A/B Testing
By Angela Natividad
You'll look forward to the next "hump day" after this week's top viral video. We'll also look at how social affects—maybe even calms—riled-up crowds. Learn how to embed Instagram pics and videos, and check out two new analytics tools: A/B testing capabilities on Google Analytics, and Finally… ever wonder what "native advertising" means? Skim for a clearer picture! Read More
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My View Three Eye-Pleasing Ideas for Developing Visual Content for Your Business
By Leon Altman
Can companies in industries that aren't inherently visual produce visual content for their social platforms? Absolutely. Here are three ideas to get their creativity flowing. Read More
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Jul 25
Online Seminar—The NEW New Rules of Marketing and PR for 2013
Aug 8
Online Seminar—SEO in 2013: Current Trends and Future Predictions
Aug 8
MarketingProfs University—Search Marketing School Special prices for groups of 3+
Aug 15
Online Seminar—The New Business Development Ecosystem
Aug 9
Virtual Conference—Social Media Strategy Sign up for free!
Aug 22
Online Seminar—Key Digital Trend Currents That Are Shaping Business
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates