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In This Issue
+ How-To: How to Use Content to Build Customer Loyalty and Retention
+ Podcast: Social Media and Publishing's Future: Nat'l Geographic's Maniatis
+ #SocialSkim: Salesforce and ExactTarget, Great Branded Content
+ Take 10: What Has Your Lead Generation Partner Done for You Lately?
+ Infographic: Who Is Winning the Talent War in Social Media?
+ Survey Says: How B2B Content Impacts Buying Decisions [Infographic]
+ Video: Mary Meeker's Mobile Trends
+ My View: Keep Integration in Mind When Designing a Marketing Plan
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How-To How to Use Content to Build Customer Loyalty and Retention
By Craig Fitzgerald, C.C. Chapman
Many marketing professionals are having serious challenges in executing a content marketing program at a very basic level. How can you address those challenges and implement a successful content marketing program? By following these four steps. Read More
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Podcast Social Media and the Future of Publishing: National Geographic's Amy Maniatis
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
National Geographic has been a dominant force in print media for 125 years, and now it's staking its claim on social networks and photo-sharing sites. EVP and CMO Amy Maniatis discusses brand management, the power of content, and the importance of emerging platforms like Instagram and Google+. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: Mary Meeker's Mobile Trends
By Jen Quinlan
This week, the famed analyst released her annual report on Internet trends, and there were some standout mobile findings. Read More
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PRO   Take 10: What Has Your Lead Generation Partner Done for You Lately?
In just 10 minutes, we'll review a list of things your lead generation company should be doing for you. Here's a teaser: they should be doing more than just setting appointments. Read More
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Survey Says
How B2B Content Impacts Buying Decisions [Infographic]
By Ayaz Nanji
Some 87% of B2B buyers say online content has a major or moderate impact on vendor preference and selection, according to a recent report by the CMO Council. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Salesforce and ExactTarget, Great Branded Content
By Angela Natividad
What does Salesforce’s ExactTarget buy mean for social sales? What does great branded content look like? How do you pick the right Twitter name, or tweak pictures for maximum Pinnability? And can you really brand a mixtape? Skim for enlightenment! Read More
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My View Keep Integration in Mind When Designing a Marketing Plan
By Brian Bennett
Take a holistic view of integrated planning. Whether you manage marketing for a major corporation or your own small business, step back periodically and look at the big picture. Read More
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Jun 13
Online Seminar—Building the Living, Breathing Brand
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Jun 20
Online Seminar—Knowing More About Your Website Visitors Drives Greater ROI
Jul 12
Virtual Conference—Marketing with Video
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates