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In This Issue
+ How-To: Does Your Logo Meet These Five Brand Rules?
+ Podcast: Build an Award-Winning Blog in 6 Months: RazorSocial's Cleary
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Conan, Instagram Video, More!
+ Take 10: Selecting the Right Metrics to Measure Campaign Success
+ Infographic: On Pinterest, the Eyes Have It
+ Survey Says: How Social Tools Are Used in the Workplace [Infographic]
+ Video: Vine, Instagram Video, and Your Brand
+ My View: 5 Fears That Prevent Marketing Departments From Creating Videos
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How-To Does Your Logo Meet These Five Brand Rules?
By Tara Hornor
Whether you've never had a logo developed for your small business or you suspect your logo isn't everything it could be, these five rules for your brand can help guide the process of creating or updating your logo. Read More
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Podcast How to Build an Award-Winning Blog in Just Six Months: Ian Cleary of RazorSocial
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Ian Cleary discusses how he started the social media and technology blog, and the tools and tactics he used to turn RazorSocial into one of the "Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2013" in just six months. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: Vine, Instagram Video, and Your Brand
By Amanda Klohmann
Considering Instagram's launch of its new video service, and the way brands have flocked to Vine, a reasonable question to ask is, Why's everyone so crazy for mobile video? Read More
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PRO   Take 10: Selecting the Right Metrics to Measure Campaign Success
Once you set your marketing objectives (for a hand with that, check out last week's Take 10), the next step is to select the right campaign metrics so that you can quantify your success. In just 10 minutes, we'll provide you with the guidelines you need to choose the right metrics for a successful campaign. Read More
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Survey Says
How Social Tools Are Used in the Workplace [Infographic]
By Ayaz Nanji
Some 46% of global information workers say using social tools has increased their productivity, while 9% say such tools have reduced productivity, according to a recent report by Ipsos Public Affairs and Microsoft. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Conan, Instagram vs. Vine, More!
By Angela Natividad
We're loving the summer sunshine but tweeting away anyway... socnets just don’t go on vacation. Find out what differentiates Instagram Video from Vine, why social is key to being found online, how Conan O’Brien made the leap from late-night host to social sensation, and how to promote your brand on YouTube. Skim for a social summer! Read More
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My View Five Fears That Prevent Marketing Departments From Creating Videos
By Kieran Farr
Only 23% of national brands are using online video, according to recent research. Why aren't others? The simple answer is fear. Here's a look at five fears about creating video (and why they're absurd). Read More
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Jul 11
Online Seminar—Ctrl Alt Delete: Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life.
Jul 12
Virtual Conference—Marketing with Video
Jul 25
Online Seminar—The NEW New Rules of Marketing and PR for 2013
Aug 8
MarketingProfs University—Search Marketing School Special prices for groups of 3+
Aug 15
Online Seminar—The New Business Development Ecosystem
Aug 22
Online Seminar—Key Digital Trend Currents That Are Shaping Business
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates