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In This Issue
+ How-To: Five Tips to Emotionally Connect Readers to Your Writing
+ Podcast: Networking for Introverts and Other Tips from the B2B Forum 
+ #SocialSkim: Sephora on Pinterest, Social CTAs, Storytelling Tips, and More
+ Guide: No-Nonsense Media Mix Guide for Your Marketing Plan
+ Infographic: Small Businesses Find ROI in Social Media 
+ Survey Says: 62% of Shoppers Use Mobiles in Store to Check Prices
+ My View: The Best Twitter Chats for Marketers
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How-To Five Tips to Emotionally Connect Readers to Your Writing
By Chris Nosal
Most bloggers don't know how to emotionally connect with readers and get them sucked into their blog posts and articles. Here, I want to give you five easy tactics to instantly transform an ordinary blog post into an empathetic work of art. Read More
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Podcast Networking for Introverts and Other Tips from B2B Forum Keynote Speaker Jill Foster [Video]
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
B2B Marketing Forum keynote speaker Jill Foster gives us a sneak peek of her presentation "Stuck in Elevators and Other Unsavory Networking Disasters," and provides valuable networking advice for marketing professionals. Read More
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PRO   How-To Guide: No-Nonsense Media Mix Guide for Your Marketing Plan
This 36-page guide will help you explore your marketing options and choose the media mix that will work best for reaching your target audience while working within the boundaries of your budget. Read More
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Survey Says
62% of Shoppers Use a Mobile Device in Stores to Check Prices
By Ayaz Nanji
The majority of shoppers (62%) use a mobile device at a brand’s physical location to compare products and prices, according to a recent survey of global consumers conducted by SDL. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Sephora Scores Pinners, Social CTAs, Nutella Day, Storytelling Like Pixar, and More
By Angela Natividad
See how Sephora scores Pinners, what social CTA works best, how Jell-O hijacked #FML, what’s new on Instagram, and the latest Gmail update. You’ll also learn how to conduct a winning webcast and tell a story like Pixar does. Read More
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My View The Best Twitter Chats for Marketers
By Amy Vernon
At almost any given time, it seems someone is hosting a Twitter chat somewhere. So, how do you decide which chats to attend? To help you decide, I made a list of the best chats for marketers. Read More
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Jun 6
Online Seminar— How to Create Marketing Plans that Cross Channels and Deliver Results
Jun 13
Online Seminar—Building the Living, Breathing Brand
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Jun 20
Online Seminar—Knowing More About Your Website Visitors Drives Greater ROI
Jul 12
Virtual Conference—Marketing with Video
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates