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In This Issue
+ How-To: Four Ideas to Better Understand Customer Experience
+ Podcast: Kill Your Content: Mitch Joel on Marketing Smarts
+ Mobile Minute Video: Google I/O Isn't Just for Developers
+ #SocialSkim: Tweets for TV Ads, Twitter Amplify, Sponsored Pins, and More
+ Seminar: Seven B2B Marketing Tips for Improving Your Marketing
+ Infographic: The State of Digital Content
+ Survey Says: How Small-Business Owners Are Using Mobile Technology
+ My View: The Psychology of Sales: Six Facts Every Brand Should Know
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How-To Four Outside-the-Box Ideas to Better Understand Customer Experience
By Linda Ireland
In the show "Undercover Boss," senior execs go undercover as frontline employees to see how the company is really doing and what customers experience. CMOs should try that, too—with these outside-the-box ideas. Read More
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Podcast Kill Your Content: Mitch Joel on Marketing Smarts
By Matthew Grant
Digital marketing expert and author Mitch Joel shares insights from his new book Control Alt Delete and discusses such topics as social media and content strategy, and how marketers can prepare for upcoming technological changes. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: Google I/O Isn't Just for Developers
By Rene Cacheaux
This week, we're examining Google I/O, the annual developer-focused conference held by Google. Is it just for developers? Let's explore that thought. Read More
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PRO   Seminar: Seven B2B Marketing Confessions That Will Improve Your Marketing Efforts Now
Learn from presenter John Wall's experience: successes, failures, tragedies, flawlessly executed campaigns.With over 20 years in business, he has created a guide that will help those who are putting together their marketing strategy and tactics. This PRO seminar will give you a framework that will help you improve your B2B marketing efforts now. Read More
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Survey Says
How Small-Business Owners Are Using Mobile Technology
By Ayaz Nanji
Some 66% of small-business owners are using mobile devices and/or mobile solutions as part of their operations, according to a recent report. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Tweets for TV Ads, Twitter Amplify, Yahoo's Tumblr Purchase, Sponsored Pins, and More
By Angela Natividad
Get the breakdown on Twitter's new TV ad product, Twitter Amplify, Yahoo’s Tumblr purchase and flickr makeover, and Pinterest’s new sponsored Pins. We’ve also got a new cross-platform responsive ad solution, piles of stats, an Awesome Wall to liven up your next cocktail, and more. Read More
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My View The Psychology of Sales: Six Facts Every Brand Should Know
By Jhon Wlaschin
Emotions can affect how much people will pay (or won't pay) for products and services. Here's a look at what happened when J. C. Penney forgot that fact when it rolled out a new pricing strategy. Read More
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May 28
Special Engagement—How to Publish a Book for Powerful Marketing featuring Guy Kawasaki
Jun 6
Online Seminar— How to Create Marketing Plans that Cross Channels and Deliver Results
Jun 13
Online Seminar—Building the Living, Breathing Brand
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates