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In This Issue
+ How-To: Four Foundational Elements of Marketing Analytics Success
+ Podcast: Entrepreneurship and Women in High Gear: Author Amy Howell
+ Mobile Minute Video: Should Marketers Care About Google Glass?
+ #SocialSkim: A Social Nightmare, Facebook Fan Value, Pinterest Stress
+ Guide: 10 Keys to Lasting Facebook Marketing Success
+ Infographic: When Did Social Media Lose Its Way?
+ Survey Says: Email Open and Click-Through Rates: Benchmarks by Vertical
+ My View: Four Lessons Marketers Can Learn From Yoga
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How-To Four Foundational Elements of Marketing Analytics Success
By Mark Emond
What does a best-in-class marketing organization look like vis-à-vis analytics? What are the key areas it needs to get right? Here's a look at the four foundational elements that ensure analytics success. Read More
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Podcast Entrepreneurship and Women in High Gear: Author Amy Howell Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Author Amy Howell talks about how professional women can use their personal networks to build their career, and the importance of cultivating genuine connections online and offline. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: Should Marketers Care About Google Glass?
By Diego Larrea-Puemape
This week, we're examining Google Glass (a wearable computer with head-mounted display). Will it ever be a mainstream product? Let's take a look at its expense and relative value, and how brands might use it as a marketing tool. Read More
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PRO   [NEW How-To Guide] Facebook Marketing: 10 Keys to Lasting Success
This 48-page guide explains how to maintain your footing and stay relevant on Facebook through whatever Zuck is cooking up. It covers 10 keys for lasting success, with special tips and examples for making the best use of those keys in the current Facebook environment. Read More
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Survey Says
Email Open and Click-Through Rates: Benchmarks by Vertical
By Ayaz Nanji
Education, retail, and computer hardware/electronics are the best-performing verticals in email marketing, according to a new study that benchmarked open rates, click-through rates, and churn metrics across 14 industries. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: A Real Kitchen (and Social Media) Nightmare, Facebook Fan Value, Pinterest Stress
By Angela Natividad
This week, a Scottsdale bakery made social headlines. Find out why. And get to know the (new) value of a Facebook Like, how brands can use SnapChat, how to set up marketing analytics, and why preppies want to give the homeless a makeover. Read More
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My View Four Lessons Marketers Can Learn From Yoga
By Allie Gray Freeland
As a yoga practitioner and marketing professional, I see parallels between the seemingly unrelated worlds of yoga and marketing. Read on for marketing takeaways from yoga principles. No lotus pose required. Read More
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May 23
Online Seminar—Seven B2B Marketing Confessions That Will Improve Your Marketing Efforts Now
May 28
Special Engagement—How to Publish a Book for Powerful Marketing featuring Guy Kawasaki
Jun 6
Online Seminar— How to Create Marketing Plans that Cross Channels and Deliver Results
Jun 13
Online Seminar—Building the Living, Breathing Brand
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates