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In This Issue
+ How-To: Seven Essential Skills for the Content Strategist
+ Podcast: Cause Marketing and Autism Awareness: Jason Falls of CafePress
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including a PowerPoint Alternative
+ New Seminar: How to Create a Monster Fan Base
+ Infographic: The Women of Social Media: Digital Influencer Study
+ Survey Says: Importance and ROI of Events: Marketers Still Face Challenges
+ Video: Are Smart Watches a Smart Move?
+ My View: You Know You're a Marketer If... [Slide Show]
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How-To Seven Essential Skills for the Content Strategist
By Jason Hirthler
Like the word "content" itself, "content strategy" is often an ambivalent term. But, however you define it, any good content strategist should have these seven skill sets. Read More
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Podcast Cause Marketing and Autism Awareness: Jason Falls of CafePress Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Jason Falls talks about cause marketing, Autism Awareness Month, and how businesses of any size can give back to the community. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [Video]: Are Smart Watches a Smart Move?
By Diego Larrea-Puemape
Do we need yet another product category? If mobile phones became even more useful when they became smartphones, will the same happen to watches? Read More
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PRO   NEW! Seminar: How to Create a Monster Fan Base
No matter your opinion of Lady Gaga, you can't deny her success in attracting and keeping a large base of loyal fans, who have been playfully dubbed her "Little Monsters." This PRO seminar will share 7 of Gaga's lessons of success that can be applied to any brand. Read More
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Survey Says
The Importance and ROI of Events: Marketers Still Face Challenges
By Vahe Habeshian
Even as events remain a vital part of the marketing mix, marketing executives—lacking visibility into the conversion pipeline—don't have sufficiently effective methods for measuring the impact of events and tradeshows on sales and revenue, and therefore can't prove ROI. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including a PowerPoint Alternative
By Angela Natividad
Find yourself some Yelp killers, LinkedIn stats, a delicious social alternative to PowerPoint, Twitter #ComedyFest, scratch-and-sniff banner ads, and GIFs... for TV! Skim to get caught up on the week's social goings on. Read More
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My View You Know You're a Marketer If... [Slide Show]
By Verónica Maria Jarski
I asked the MarketingProfs Facebook group to finish this sentence: "You know you're a marketer if..." The responses that made us laugh the most were then illustrated and published in this slide show. Read More
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May 16
Online Seminar—Marketing Campaign Strategies for the Social and Mobile World
May 28
Special Engagement—How to Publish a Book for Powerful Marketing featuring Guy Kawasaki
Jun 13
Online Seminar—Building the Living, Breathing Brand
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates