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In This Issue
+ How-To: Four Ways to Create an Army of Fans for Your Brand
+ Podcast: Personal Branding and 'Reinventing You': Author Dorie Clark
+ #SocialSkim: Boston Marathon, LinkedIn App Ads, Twitter Music, Facebook...
+ New Seminar: Working Content Into Responsive Design
+ Infographic: Sales and Marketing at War: The Game of Thrones
+ Survey Says: B2Bs Struggle With Online Marketing Mix; Sales Cycle Longer
+ Video: Facebook Home: Marketing Pros and Cons
+ My View: Questions to Ask Before Adapting Traditional Techniques for Social
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How-To Four Ways to Create an Army of Fans for Your Brand
By Mack Collier
Why do rock stars have fans but companies have customers? Because that's what rock stars and companies want to have. But if you're ready to think like a rock star to build an army of fans, here's what you need to do. Read More
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Podcast Personal Branding and 'Reinventing You': Author Dorie Clark Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Matthew Grant
Dorie Clark talks about the concept of personal branding, the importance of producing your own content as part of a reinvention effort, and how one goes about finding and benefiting from work with a mentor. Read More
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Video Mobile Minute [VIDEO]: Facebook Home's Marketing Pros and Cons
By Amanda Klohmann
Facebook Home has been the biggest mobile story since SXSW, which is why we've dedicated an entire Mobile Minute to it. We've downloaded it and dissected it, and we're now ready to share. Read More
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PRO   NEW Seminar: Working Content Into Responsive Design
Nowadays, your website has to shift and reshape without losing meaning or marketing value. It's not just about layouts for mobile, it's also about a flexible mindset about content. This seminar will teach you how to effectively incorporate your content strategy into responsive website design. Read More
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Survey Says
B2Bs Struggling With Online Marketing Mix; Sales Cycle Gets Longer
By Vahe Habeshian
US B2B marketers are struggling to optimize their online marketing mix, with many unable to segment and target the right decision-makers or measure program success across the entire marketing funnel, according to a new study. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Boston Marathon, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Music, Facebook Open Graph Mobile
By Angela Natividad
The Boston Marathon topped headlines this week. See how social helped salve wounds, correct errors, and reconnect people. Also, the latest on LinkedIn ads, Twitter's just-launched #music, and Facebook's Open Graph Mobile. We also have social case studies from the likes of Coca-Cola, stats on SMBs' and B2Bs' social use, and Jeremiah Owyang's tips on becoming a truly open leader. Skim for an eye-opener. Read More
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My View Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Adapting Traditional Marketing Techniques for Social Media
By Megan Brown
Marketers often believe they need to ditch traditional marketing campaigns before they embrace social media marketing. But they don't have to. Here are four questions to help marketers start thinking about merging social and traditional marketing techniques. Read More
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Apr 25
Online Seminar—How to Create a Monster Fan Base
Jun 13
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp Special prices for groups of 3+
Jun 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates