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In This Issue
+ How-To: Want Effective Calls to Action? Use 'Action Trains'
+ Video: Elements of Great Storytelling
+ Podcast: How to Build a Testing Culture: Justin Rondeau of Which Test Won
+ Take 10: How to Integrate Social Media Into Your Marketing Strategy
+ #SocialSkim: FB News Feed, SXSW, LinkedIn, Prollie, Hashtag How-To...
+ Infographic: The B2B Marketer's Guide to SXSW
+ Survey Says: Personalized Marketing Drives Buyer Readiness and Sales
+ My View: 8 Misconceptions About Working From Home [Illustrated Slides]
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How-To Want Effective Calls to Action? Use 'Action Trains'
By Alex Becker
The most difficult task in marketing is to get people to take the action you want them to take. But once they have, getting them to take one more is so much easier—especially if you use "action trains." Read More
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Podcast How to Build a Testing Culture: Justin Rondeau of Which Test Won
By Matthew Grant
Testing your emails, landing pages, forms, website, etc. can't be occasional. Testing must be iterative and ongoing if it is to produce results. Which means your organization must institute a culture of testing. Read More
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Video Elements of Great Storytelling
By Ann Handley, Tim Washer
For millennia, human beings transmitted knowledge from generation to generation via storytelling. It remains a powerful medium that holds people's attention. Not surprisingly, then, it can be a powerful medium for marketers. Read More
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PRO Take 10 Video Series: How to Integrate Social Media Into Your Marketing Strategy
In just 10 minutes, you'll learn four approaches for successfully incorporating social media into your marketing strategy. You'll see examples of companies (across a variety of industries) that have used these approaches and had great success. Read More
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Survey Says
Personalized Marketing Drives Buyer Readiness and Sales
By Lenna Garibian
Cross-channel, customer-centric marketing—the practice of tailoring offers and promotions to consumers across multiple touch points based on their past shopping or browsing experiences—seems to increase buyer readiness, engagement, and sales activity. Read More
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Quick Take
Facebook's News Feed, SXSW, LinkedIn, Prollie, Hashtag How-To... Week in Social Media #SocialSkim
By Angela Natividad
Facebook's new News Feed, SXSW tips, tools for managing LinkedIn leads and gathering Twitter data, how-tos for hashtags and social branding, a study on social business, women and teens demographics, a Harlem Shakes wars infographic, and much more (including your dancing-pony fix). Skim for social sustenance! Read More
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My View Eight Misconceptions About Working From Home [Illustrated Slide Show]
By Veronica Maria Jarski and Corey O'Loughlin
Yahoo's leaked memo regarding telecommuting got us thinking about misconceptions about working from home. MarketingProfs boasts a remote workforce, so we know the misconceptions—and the realities. Read More
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Mar 14
Online Seminar—Brand Yourself: Busting the Nine-Second Barrier
Mar 21
Online Seminar—Five Common Pricing Roadblocks (and How to Get Around Them)
Apr 11
MarketingProfs University—Cracking the Facebook Code Special pricing for groups of 3+
Apr 12
Virtual Conference—Social Media Marketing
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Contact us for group rates