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In This Issue
+ How-To: How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Professional Services
+ Podcast: The Language of Brand Love: 'Loveworks' Author Brian Sheehan
+ #SocialSkim: The Week in Social Media; Better 'Social Service,' Snapchat
+ Take 10: Three Ingredients That Turn Engagement Into Business Results
+ Survey Says: The 20 Most Shared Ads of 2013
+ Infographic: B2B Lead Generation Trends for 2014: What's Hot, What's Not
+ My View: How Will Google's Hummingbird Update Affect Your Marketing?
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How-To How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Professional Services (Article 3 of 3)
By Nicholas A. Kosar
In this, the third of three articles focusing on how the professions—lawyers, consultants, accountants, etc.—can effectively market using new/digital media, I focus on LinkedIn. Read More
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Podcast The Language of Brand Love: 'Loveworks' Author Brian Sheehan
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Author Brian Sheehan discusses his latest book Loveworks, the characteristics of beloved brands, and how you can create a "sensual experience" for your prospects and customers. Read More
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PRO   NEW Take 10: Three Ingredients That Turn Engagement Into Measurable Business Results
You may have plenty of engagement via social media, but if it's not garnering positive ROI for your business, you need to revisit your community strategy and management approach. In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to build an engagement strategy that will bring in the results you need. Read More
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Survey Says
The 20 Most Shared Ads of 2013
By Ayaz Nanji
Dove Beauty Sketches, a three-minute video that aims to show women they are more beautiful than they think they are, is the most shared ad of 2013, according to a recent analysis by Unruly Media. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week: Big Brands Use Snapchat, Better Social Service
By Angela Natividad
It's holiday time, and we're action-packed with tips to up your socialising options. Check out five great Snapchat ideas from big brands, why Coca-Cola's decision not to run ads is causing a viral sensation, and simple rules for providing better social service. Skim to stay in season. Read More
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My View How Will Google's Hummingbird Update Affect Your Marketing?
By Michelle Rebecca
Many consider Google's recent Hummingbird algorithm update the biggest in more than a decade. Read More
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Dec 5
Seminar—How to Make Your Content the Belle of the Marketing Ball
Dec 5
MarketingProfs University—Content Marketing Crash Course Special prices for groups of 3+
Dec 12
Seminar—Eight Secrets to More Successful Collaboration Between Sales and Marketing
Dec 13
Virtual Conference—Social Media Marketing: Work smarter not harder Sign up for free!
Jan 9
Seminar—Put LinkedIn to Work: Five Simple Steps to Generate, Manage, and Close Leads