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In This Issue
+ How-To: With Little SEO Value Left, Are Press Releases Still Worthwhile?
+ Podcast: Employees as Brand Advocates: IBM's Ethan McCarty
+ Survey Says: 2014 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, Trends
+ Seminar: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of a Bad RFP
+ #SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Social Sales & Social ROI
+ Infographic: 12 Tenets of Content Creation
+ My View: Who Are the Brightest B2B Marketers of 2013?
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How-To With Little SEO Value Left in Them, Are Press Releases Still Worthwhile?
By Rebecca Joyner
Just as press releases were going the way of the horse and buggy, SEO saved the workhorse of public relations. But Google again changed the rules, stripping most SEO value away from press releases. Now what? Read More
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Podcast Employees as Brand Advocates: IBM's Ethan McCarty Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
IBM's Director of Social Strategy and Programs Ethan McCarty talks about how (and why) the company selects and showcases the social media posts of employees from across the organization. Read More
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PRO   Seminar: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of a Bad RFP
This seminar will help consultants and others to understand their options when faced with a bad RFP. You'll explore how to overcome the most common problem areas and how to maximize your chances of success if you choose to proceed. Read More
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Survey Says
2014 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends
B2B marketers' confidence in content marketing continues to grow; content marketing usage rates are up from last year; and, not surprisingly, marketers with a documented content strategy are having the greatest success, according to just-released research. Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Social Sales and Social ROI
By Angela Natividad
Get the skinny on the job-quitting video that went viral... and the shafted company's viral-worthy response. See how Breaking Bad's finale played out online... and among brands. Learn to build your social ROI. And find out what playlist preferences tell us about (what else?) buying preferences. Skim to the beat of the sales drum. Read More
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My View Who Are the Brightest B2B Marketers of 2013?
By Michaela Delong
Looking for B2B marketing inspiration? Check out the finalists of the first Bright Bulb Awards for examples of excellence, innovation, and brilliance in B2B marketing. Read More
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Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA SOLD OUT
Oct 10
Seminar—Seven Ways to Revive Your Marketing Strategy
Oct 10
MarketingProfs University—Social Media Marketing Use code MONTY13 to save $200
Oct 17
Seminar—Take on the World: Compete Globally with Customer Experience Management
Oct 24
Seminar—The Remarkables: How to Win with Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Oct 25
On-Demand: B2B Forum 2013—Online
Nov 8
Virtual Conference—Mobile Marketing Sign up for free!
Dec 5
MarketingProfs University—Content Marketing Crash Course Use code CONTENT13 to save $200