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By Eric Didier |
Look at the evolution of social media, and you'll plainly see that it's being driven by imagery. But email, too, is a social medium, and now is a great time to evaluate how you use images in your email marketing.
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By Christian Gulliksen |
We love the virtues of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—but they're sometimes too much of a good thing. Do you have an unhealthy relationship with social media? Here are some signs that you're a social media addict.
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By Matthew Grant |
Guy Kawasaki loves Google+ so much, he wrote a book about it: What the Plus! Since I've been rather slow to get on the Google+ bus, I invited Guy to Marketing Smarts to talk about why I should give it a(nother) shot.
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In just 10 minutes, you'll learn five powerful, easy-to-implement LinkedIn tips you may not have considered. Viveka von Rosen explains how you can beef up your profile (even if you think you've mastered LinkedIn) to stand out from the crowd.
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Tobias Schremmer Do you hate how you look in photos? Especially in your headshot on LinkedIn, where you'd love to make a great first impression? Fear not! Just avoid these 19 headshot no-no's.
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