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By Slavik Volinsky |
Running an A/B test requires resources, so it pays to know how to conduct tests for the maximum benefit to your organization. Here are eight of the most important lessons on running a successful A/B testing program.
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By Christian Gulliksen |
Why do so few companies innovate? The problem is that we often labor under enthusiastic but misguided leadership that stifles innovation. Do you recognize yourself—or your boss—in any of these archetypes?
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By Matthew Grant |
In this week's Marketing Smarts podcast, Summer Joy Boone, director of assimilation and social media at a Florida church, and Janet K. Altman, principal and marketing director at the second largest accounting firm in Florida, offer unique perspectives on a host of marketing topics.
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By Christina "CK" Kerley |
Think mobile is for consumer audiences only? Think again, B2B marketers! Learn why mobile marketing is ideal for B2B marketing, and how three simple words—better, faster, easier—can help you win over your B2B audience.
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New York Times best-selling author Dan Pink expands on the insights discussed in his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. He discusses why understanding motivation factors matters to marketers who want to achieve success.
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Four Practical Steps to a Website Redesign
Take a good, hard look at your website. Could it do with a makeover? If you're ready for a radical website redesign that can open up new opportunities for engaging prospects and clients, apply these four steps to get started.
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By Charles Sipe Search engine optimization (SEO) can be intimidating for the non-initiated—and for good reason. But these SEO educational resources can help you gain significant traffic—and beat your competitors in the rankings.
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